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Efren penaflorida

Discussion in 'General News' started by bhatooth, Nov 9, 2009.

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  1. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    AVITE CITY, Philippines (CNN) -- At 16, Rhandolf Fajardo reflects on his former life as a gang member.
    Efren Peñaflorida's Dynamic Teen Company offers Filipino youth an alternative to gangs through education.

    Efren Peñaflorida's Dynamic Teen Company offers Filipino youth an alternative to gangs through education.

    "My gang mates were the most influential thing in my life," says Fajardo, who joined a gang when he was in sixth grade. "We were pressured to join."

    He's not alone. In the Philippines, teenage membership in urban gangs has surged to an estimated 130,000 in the past 10 years, according to the Preda Foundation, a local human rights charity.

    "I thought I'd get stuck in that situation and that my life would never improve," recalls Fajardo. "I would probably be in jail right now, most likely a drug addict -- if I hadn't met Efren."

    Efren Peñaflorida, 28, also was bullied by gangs in high school. Today, he offers Filipino youth an alternative to gang membership through education. Vote now for the CNN Hero of the Year

    "Gang members are groomed in the slums as early as 9 years old," says Peñaflorida. "They are all victims of poverty."

    For the past 12 years, Peñaflorida and his team of teen volunteers have taught basic reading and writing to children living on the streets. Their main tool: A pushcart classroom.

    Stocked with books, pens, tables and chairs, his Dynamic Teen Company recreates a school setting in unconventional locations such as the cemetery and municipal trash dump.

    Peñaflorida knows firsthand the adversity faced by these children. Born into a poor family, he lived in a shanty near the city dump site. But he says he refused to allow his circumstances to define his future.

    "Instead of being discouraged, I promised myself that I would pursue education," he recalls. "I will strive hard; I will do my best."
    Don't Miss

    In high school, Peñaflorida faced a new set of challenges. Gang activity was rampant; they terrorized the student body, vandalized the school and inducted members by forcing them to rape young girls, he says.

    "I felt the social discrimination. I was afraid to walk down the street."

    Peñaflorida remembers standing up to a gang leader, refusing to join his gang. That confrontation proved fateful. At 16, he and his friends "got the idea to divert teenagers like us to be productive," he says.

    He created the Dynamic Teen Company to offer his classmates an outlet to lift up themselves and their community. For Peñaflorida, that meant returning to the slums of his childhood to give kids the education he felt they deserved.

    "They need education to be successful in life. It's just giving them what others gave to me," he says.

    Today, children ranging from ages 2 to 14 flock to the pushcart every Saturday to learn reading, writing, arithmetic and English from Peñaflorida and his trained teen volunteers.


    im proud of him
    it melts my heart i hope i can do this too when im grown up
  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I Agree with the whole thing apart from this bit

    "They are all victims of poverty."

    That parts not neccessarily true. But the story itself is very heart-warming from an alternate perspective.
  3. MrNeutral

    MrNeutral Member

    Very nice story you don't really have to hope you just have to do it forget what your parents or whoever expect from you as long as it makes you happy and doesn't screw over other people then its all good in my oppinion
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