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Eb games-FAIL (Based off australian eb's-can any can do...)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...I love these guys XD

    Here are some points why they fail...

    (Note-based of australian branch)

    1.They claim to test games before resale-and some games have a massive amount of "repair" putty-yet they won't load-like simpsons hit and run as we speak...

    That's game 10.

    2."Seen it cheaper-WE'LL MATCH IT!"

    Crap-the only good this is for is simply "faking" it (if you know how to smooth talk..) or if your too lazy...

    Sure there is that nice return policy-but I'll get back to that soon...

    3."Metroid-is that a ps2 game?"

    While not required-it would help if they knew SOMETHING about video games...I mean..jesus...

    I shop at a games importer store btw-they have experience-and are cheaper-eb never price match these guys-they know how to combat-denial :p

    4. 7 day return policy for new or 14 for preowned games-don't like it-BRING IT BACK!

    This is how they fail-now because I can rip ds, psp, gba and ps2 (and to some extent...360 games) these guys bomb.
    I could buy a game..rip it, and bring it back and go "didn't like it" or some bs excuse.
    They claim NOT to allow pc returns..but a mate of mine has found a story that does this...and rips the games...btw-he's a game pirate XD
    Plus they tend to believe me-Being a friendly regular, different excuses, and the fact that I do keep the games on the odd occasion-and have helped me avoid suspecion-depite bringing back $200 worth of games every couple of weeks...
    Plus if I paid by my debit card-I get the cash back on that-they usually ask me to do that "incase you stole these".

    LOL-I paid for them-and unless EB has left their draws unlocked-I doubt I could steal these!

    5.They claim stock is "stolen" when even though it's on their website.

    I can understand this-human error...but when it's on their internal stock list-that...sucks.

    Sooo many cheap games lost :(

    6.Their messy sales tables.

    If I want a perticular game-it's impossible to find!
    One time-they confirmed they had a new guitar hero world tour-they had the manual and disc in their draws-BUT NO FRIGGIN CASE!

    We organised (as it was closing time) to have them find it once they are closing...
    It too 2 days for them to call back and say "it's gone".
    So they butchered a second hand case-which I was fine with-they brought me every case they had and let me choose (they know that I'm a collector and expect good stuff) but what was most annoying...

    2 Weeks later-they found it :(
    Point-while having messy tables make things look cheaper-it's also hard to find anything worth buying.

    7.Their prices-enough said.


    I Don't encourage piracy-but I did find a flaw-I only focus on sony/ea/thq games-they can afford it XD

    Points of discussion.

    1.Any more to add?

    2.Discuss any times they failed you?

    3.Anything dumb from them...

    My local store has a good team-they know some stuff-and heck-they AGREE their systems suck...

    I hope these guys ethier change how it runs or...get better, less annoying jobs XD
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    When Patpat and I were in the city and at the mall, there was an EB and since we were going to be in the city for a couple weeks he decided to preorder Mirror's Edge and Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. No hassle, hooray. The games were coming out the first friday of the week or around there, and we preordered around the Tuesday.

    K good. On friday we expected a call, nope, no call. So we were heading in the direction so we went at the mall and saw the EB, and we were there blah blah blah. So we get there and I ask if those two games are in, and the clerk says no, but beside the counter were boxes assuming to be the games that Patpat preordered, I asked if they could be in that box. He said "Maybe, but we don't open our shipments until the store is close", odd, but okay, we have a lot of time to waste.

    So, we get the phone call that the games are in the next day (surprise) and we're on our way to the mall. We get there and learn that Banjo Kazooie was there (with the little preorder thing for the N64 remake) and that they sold Patpat's copy of Mirror's Edge. By this time, it's Saturday. So we left. doot.

    We never got a phone call for Mirror's Edge until, Friday. The day we were leaving the city. We got the game and were very displeased. THE END


    He thought it'd be more convenient going there since it was in a mall and was near our hotel. I told him just to get Mirror's Edge at Best Buy or Future Shop and cancel the preorder, he was being stubborn. ;p

    When is the new Battletoads coming out?
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Cool story Master!!!

    Although I haven't experienced it.. .;D
    When I'm doing online business..
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    That is why I don't bother with pre-orders...

    They screw it up on the odd occasion.

    As for the "box"-it would have been-it's a security thing.
    But...they have a back room WITH A FREAKING LOCK!

    ...and normally someone in there messing about...lunch break-not in that space...
    I know at my store they would have checked-I guess they know how angry I'd get if I said "why not"?

    Reminds me of a store...

    I preordered a black dsi-and planned on trading my white one for it (don't worry-I won this in a mario kart ds comp-too good-but I somehow busted the touch screen :( ) and they said they would call...

    They did call-but what was annoying was even though I already got it..

    That's another point about eb...

    8.They accept damaged goods-and box or not-use the same price tags.

    If I got a ds game without a box-shouldn't they be half price technically?

    $10 cheaper at the most-for all pre-owned of the same game.

    Sure 10% off with the edge card but...


    ...what's worse-here is an example of how ridiculues the prices of preowned are...

    Super mario 64 ds-$69.95 9yup-if they have it new-it still cost that much)

    PreOwned (with or without box and or manual) -$64.95

  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member


    We customer have rights. ;D
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    A customer brought that up the other day infact.

    He was right-but he also accused them of not having the licence to trade second hand...

    He screwed that up-hence he was ignored completly :(

    They all have the licence...

    But seriously-why not?

    Cash converters are known to be expensive-yet they have thier games 40% cheaper than eb's range?
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Us as consumers have little rights, mega. If you didn't realize EB takes your games, pays maybe 10 dollars or 15, then sells them for 5 dollars less than the actual game price (which could be 55$). It's a rip off to the person giving away the game to EB for essentially a 45 or 40 dollar profit to them. Yes, because we have rights according to them. :\

    We have rights but very little, the most we can do is either not buy it, or buy it.

    Also, I bet you pawn shops will give you even less money for a game you give to them. I doubt a lot of them know the value of it.
  8. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I hope their price tags is right...

    I hope those people realize that they will gain less profit if they dun have customer.
    ...but I'm still sure that we have LOTS of rights.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Australia has the same issue :(

    But the pawn shops-while cheaper at times than eb-don't offer much still...

    But hay-at least I can find the rare "star fox" snes game thru them :)

    another point...

    9.They only sell current games

    People might like to sell/buy old games-sure the trade in prices can be a nightmare-but if you get someone like me to do the math..it might be a good idea.

    Go by worthy-not dam disc price!
  10. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    How about the bundle games?
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Eb games-FAIL (Based off australian eb\'s-can any can do...)

    They can make mistakes at times...
    One day they had one of those sales-and alone in the dark ps2..all copies on floor-had differing price tags...


    They were infact the tags-they had the name "alone in the dark" on them, luckily thier systems correct these-many a time I bought a game and got it cheaper than tag because their systems said so.

    WHat was really confusing-they also all had a big "20" sticker on them.

    The girl (who I normally see) tried to tell me that a customer possibly did that to annoy others...

    She's wrong because...

    1.All stickers were perfectly placed-as in first attempts

    2.None had peel off signs

    3.All copies on floor had them-that is 20 copies.

    Not that I should complain...

    1.I got it for 17.95-she discounted it because i complained AND I had an edge card

    2.Didn't matter-I ripped it and returned it-I still have a burnt copy XD
    Post Merge: [time]1256472425[/time]
    They can be a bit cheaper than individually-but by the time they arrive-the games on their own only work out to be a dollar more.

    And the preown crap still applies :(

    Should check one out some day...
  12. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    They discounted it, but they still have 5 cent left?
    I know 5 cent is worth than 1 cent, but they should drop it.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Can you re-explain-I have no idea what your on about...

    (some games have 0.91 or 0.95-most countires don't have 1 cent any more-so it's ignored-it's the swedish rounding system being a pain)
  14. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I mean,
    If the price have 5 cent, they should drop it. ;D


    4.95 ---> 5.00

    or I am mistakenly see your previous post?
    (the one with numbers)
  15. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Isn't that how most stores/ marts do business today?
  16. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Yep, MOST of store at my place. ;D
    They said that 5 cent means a lot to them.
    I have calculated it, and yes it does. ;D
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Here is something I learnt in retail.

    If it's JUST below-it looks better.

    1.95 looks better than 2.00.

    Unless it's $2-they do that every now and again.

    Correct-but I hate how they run more-they have an excuse-they aren't gaming orientated.
  18. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    I hate to collect those 5 cent.
    sometime they asked us to prepare 5 cent(some of the stores)...
    Shit.... ;D
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    They ask to make it easier on change-and because they might be short...

    They always ask me.

    And yes-working in fast food and now a super market told me these facts-retail fact-5 cents off makes anything look better :)
  20. fdgsaoralex

    fdgsaoralex Well-Known Member

    shouldn't this be in the rant board?