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Dubai - Rising New York ?

Discussion in 'General News' started by kanwarrulz_123, Jul 9, 2008.

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  1. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member


    My father recently visited Dubai for his working purposes since then I have been a little too concerned about their skycapers and buildings. Dubai with more than 300 more supertall structures groundbreaking on 2008 is likely to break the records of cities of Hong Kong and New York besides these cities also face a threat from Mumbai with more than 400 skyscrapers being built.

    World's biggest projects.

    Dubai is keen for completing its tallest skycraper in the world project at more than 800 metres will easily surpass the current record occupied by Taipei 101. But, Dubai dose'nt feel enough of it announced the world's largest mall later. Rumour has it that they are building a rotating tower.

  2. thebass324

    thebass324 Well-Known Member

    Dubai has really been getting a lot of attention lately, it sort of seems like the new place for architects to try and express themselves.

    This one in particular seems a little absurd to me though, not to mention that if it works that it'll look like crap after it reaches that last stage.
  3. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    Dubai is has everything, you can even ski there :eek: (indoor skicourse in a mall)
    Most hotels are 5 stars etc.
  4. syx

    syx Active Member

    One thing Dubai can't beat : the culture

    Believe me, I've been there..
  5. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Yes, even I have been there about 3 times.. they ought to copy cultures in the way they build.
  6. manjithxxx

    manjithxxx Well-Known Member

    Totally a yes,girls there have limited freedom.
    But one thing i like about their place is their police force.Not only are well equipped they are very kind to civilians.
  7. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    I don't totally agree with you the police there is very strict, no matter how big or small crime you have done the consquence is gonna be the same.

    Dubai is looking to organise a city ( Masdar City ) as zero emissoin city, with its own recyclable system, no cars just monorail, fully air conditioned stretching about 300-500 acres of fully domed structure and of course indoor.

    A project called the Dynamic tower that can change its shape is looking to eye on the Dubai land, rumour is also that they might construct the biggest marine conquering both the shapes of the world.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    americans made fast food famous... burgers and the like.
  9. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    well i wouldnt exactly call that great but what the hey, thats their thing.
  10. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    We had a look at this is Social Studies last term, the rooms in there are supposed to rotate, so you get a view of everything around you. It might have been in there or something else in Dubai. Also, I want to buy the sand New Zealand.
  11. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Since so many countries are getting ready to build skyscapers taller than than Burj Dubai, the Dubai officials said that it will continue adding floors to ensure its supremacy.
  12. DevilDinah

    DevilDinah Well-Known Member

    i've read about dubai in Nat Geo Magazine, they say they are building-or founding- a new island shaped like a tree just off the coast.
  13. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Seriously? You think Americans are worse than a country that will execute a rape victim because they committed 'adultery?'

    Genius right here guys!

    I'm an American myself, I don't carry a gun, and saying we cuss a lot? Eh... some European countries don't even censor that shit, we do.

    I do cuss up a fucking storm though.
  14. venomio

    venomio Member

    To be fair, America still has the death sentence, don't they?

    Not only that, but to be fair, nobody should be raping anybody in the first place? If you don't rape, you don't die. What's the big hassle?
    America's culture is also very diverse, you can't really compete that against Dubai...
    I also have friends living in Dubai that think it's a shit place to live, but that's their opinion and others might think differently...
    In the end, it's just however you look at it... Everywhere has it's cons and pros to different people.
  15. Hypr

    Hypr Well-Known Member

    Quick question, have you been to America yourself? And if so, which state?

    Seems to me that the only thing you are spewing so far is your own stereotypical view of Americans.


    Just because you "hear something" about someone/place/thing does not make it true. For instance, anyone can say to you, "I heard your mom is a whore" and by your logic, that would make it a valid opinion.

    Post more reasonably next time, Mr. Global Moderator.
  16. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Holy shit, i didn't even notice he was a Moderator.

    This makes it look 10x sadder.
  17. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    There have been a number of school shootings particularly in America and I am frustrated with unecessary violence. Most americans I encounter do not speak politely. And note i said most i have seen and encountered. I did not say all americans are like that. And anymore insult or arguement will just result in deletion of post. I apologise if i insuted americans, its just i am a bit ticked off when i hear about gun violence in america as well as talking to americans who swear a LOT.
  18. ricky_

    ricky_ Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to say you insulted 'Americans'--but I'll go as far to say that realistically, the stereotypes and criticism are unwarranted.

    It depends on the area you're in (this is relevant to everything, right?) but where I'm at, we do not:
    • wave rifles in the air. honestly, i doubt there's a large populace where i'm around with rifles, anyways.
    • speak in a non-polite manner. myself and my friends are all pretty nice, and the neighborhood i'm in rocks.
    • swear... a lot. honestly, though... fuck that. swearing is awesome. if you can't handle it, cut off your ears and fill your eardrums with concrete. they're just words.

    We do have culture. We pioneered a lot of the music you listen to today, even in other countries. From rap to hip-hop to rock to jazz to blues... a considerably large amount of it came from America. Movies you guys watch? Hey, that's cultural. Take a wild guess where it came from... the entertainment industries here define a lot of how the world views entertainment. Video games are so included in this. Plus, America is where the west was won. The wild west. Tell me how that's not cultural? Native Americans are still celebrated (yes, we raped their land) to this day. Cherokee, Chippewa, and other tribes inject their own culture into life, esp. if you live near a high-concentration of Native Americans.

    In closing, I don't believe that we don't have culture. I do believe that while the media tends to portray America as some wild area with no rules and hillbillies everywhere, that's not the case at all, and it's up to you guys to see what you want to see in America. If you want to continue what the media shows about it, fine. But realize that the media doesn't often show what's true--they show what gets the most attention, so they get tons of ad revenues.

    (PS. If there are mistakes in this post, I wrote it at 7:00am, no sleep. ROCK ON! And if anyone is honestly taking this thread seriously in the form of angst, let it be. Remove bans, kill the threats, and let bygones be bygones. Bullshit over something as stupid as portrayal of countries is incredibly dumb.)
  19. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Awesome. Like I even said before you posted. I am sorry, and lets get back to topic.
  20. venomio

    venomio Member


    Nice reply. I love tl;dr comments like that :p
    Poor Ricky though...
    Funny though, you're the one who deviated off from the topic in the first place >_>

    Like I said though, Dubai seems like a great place to live, but they could certainly be much better (especially for the girls there).
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