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DSTWO-Overcomes Any Future Anti-Piracy Ever! Is this true?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by miguelcarrillo, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. miguelcarrillo

    miguelcarrillo Active Member

    DSTWO-Overcomes Any Future Anti-Piracy Ever!

    I read that this is like a Must have! Does it really overcome the Anti-piracy things like Say the EXP Anti-piracy on the New Pokemon games: Black and White?

    So the point is I have a DSi XL And I wanted to know if i bought this Thing Would it work on My DSi XL? Along with Pokemon Black and The Appropriate patches? Thanks for any answers!
  2. awesomebros

    awesomebros Well-Known Member

    It'll probably work for few years, but of course, by then, they'll probably quit making DS games. It's been 6 years already.
  3. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    they'll probably quit making PSP games too because of CFW. it's been 6 years too
  4. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    the DStwo just has the same auto-patch system that other cards like Acekard, CycloDS, Edge, etc. have. It works on some games, and not on others. Same as Acekard's, Cyclo's, etc. It will need to be updated as newer games appear, etc, just like the other cards'.

    It's not 100%, but it does work occasionally. It happened to have worked with Black and White, but there were games before those that didn't work, and had to be updated, while the previous games did work on the Acekard/Cyclo.

    Every card claims 100% compatibility, and claiming a "never worry about AP again" is a big selling point, but it won't be 100%.
  5. lugia543

    lugia543 Guest

    acekard never worked for me. I had to patch it with every game but the edge did. I updated it once a month and I don't recall ever having to patch anything as long as it was updated.
  6. miguelcarrillo

    miguelcarrillo Active Member

    Thanks guys! So I'm green to get it for Pokemon Black? Thanks anyway!
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The anti AP system has actually been 100%. No game since the DSTwo has released has required an outside patch to work. Older games had minor issues that had to be ironed out via firmware update, but that's about it.

    Unlike every other cart in existence, the DSTwo has actually delivered in this respect.
  8. miguelcarrillo

    miguelcarrillo Active Member

    Thanks it wuud be sick if it could do translation! But THANKS people! you are a real help;)
  9. englishteacher

    englishteacher Well-Known Member

    Someone said that DSTwo has problem when entering Union Room to do wireless trading on Pokemon Black and he need to use separate patch to fix it..
  10. miguelcarrillo

    miguelcarrillo Active Member

    I won't be doing Trading or anything Because I'm getting the English version when it comes out!
  11. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Doesn't mean that it is fixed by then.

    But if you mean getting it from the store then yes...it will be fixed (original cardridges never fail...bah)
  12. zanmato_

    zanmato_ Member

    Some Ubisoft games didn't work right away, like PoP: The Forgotten Sands.

    It's not the same, since the new Pokemons only worked on DSTwo. But somewhat similar, I guess the system used by DSTwo is just better. You're not talking about Acekard 2.1/2i, are you? They don't have an auto-patching system as far as I know. Acekard R.P.G + Wood R.P.G has it.
  13. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Works fine for me.
  14. zanmato_

    zanmato_ Member

    From SuperCard DSTWO EOS V1.01 changelog:
    Meaning these games were fixed manually and not by the auto-patching feature.
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Most of those DIY and Jam with the Band would just be having save file issues rather than AP issues. I'm sure none of those were broken via AP.

    Remember, compatibility DOES NOT always refer to AP.
  16. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    But the auto-patcher can't patch everything.

    That said, the DSTWO ain't gonna be running every game on the planet without patches.
  17. zanmato_

    zanmato_ Member

    I just pasted the full list, didn't mean all those were AP related. Though non-working is non-working, it needs to be fixed anyway. Sure those WarioWare and Daigasso games probably just had save issues fixed but I am quite sure that PoP had one of these Ubisoft protections that couldn't be auto-patched.

    My point exactly.
  18. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    No offense, but I was continuing your post.

    Though I have one thing more to add:
    No card ever can have 100% compatibility. That's impossible.
    The DSTWO, for example, has a really good patch engine that can patch almost every game.
    Sure, there are those older games it has problems with. But I doubt the SuperCard team wouldn't fix those.

    A game I had problems with in the past:
    Contra 4. The DSTWO kept saying "loading. . .".

    I was rather surprised at first, seeing that an old game didn't work.
    I've done further research on that problem and it seems the ROM has some code the DSTWO couldn't find in the patch engine, so it aborted loading. After downloading a new ROM (using Google) the game was fixed.

    I don't say the DSTWO doesn't have great compatibility, but it has to go a few steps further will it have the maximum compatibility.
    And by that I don't mean to say the SC team has to work harder, oh no, they are working great on their card.
  19. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The auto-patcher is only for AP. Why people think it's for things other than that is beyond me.
  20. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    No it's not only for AP. It also pathes the ROM so it can use the in-game menu.

    When you run in clean mode the card can't use in-game menu's.