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DSTWO keeps freezing with NDSGBA/NDSSFC...everything else works fine

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by yoshi2889, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    As the title says.

    When playing my DSTWO's NDSGBA/NDSSFC emulators for about two minutes (!) it locks up and I need to reset my DSi.

    Functions like DS2Tools and DS_GAME work fine, though.

    And I need to add, after it locked up on the emu's, I get the "No card is inserted in the DS game card slot." message.

    With a piece of paper it works finer but still locks up after a while.

    Can somebody help me?
  2. CoolKill3r

    CoolKill3r Well-Known Member

    Did you try another SD card?
    You never know if it works right?
  3. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    ...a micro SD doesn't give a shit about what the card has to do.

    In my PC with HEAVY processing (yes really heavy) it works fine. So then why does it indeed lock up because of the micro SD card, and then cause the card to be invincible to the DS console?
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I think you mean invisible?

    Invincible means - incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Err, yes.

    Got confused with the two earlier...

    Got it to work partially by putting a THICK paper behind it.

    Still, I want this solved for when I need to remove the paper once.
  6. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Perhaps cleaning the contacts will help?
  7. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member


    And it freezes again on the GBA emulator -.-
  8. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    SHit I'm having the same problem here :/
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what your guys' problems are...no clue at all...
  10. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    stop using your ds2 or any other flashcart on your dsi right away. This is the first sign of the code of doom and death. I wish I knew it when it started to happen to me. When your card begins to stop showing up when its plugged in, then its coming.

    If you continue to use flashcarts on your dsi, the following will happen

    1. Continuing freezing

    2. The first appearence
    2.1 your bottom screen will go white, your top screen will go black except for 8 letter in yellow 0000FE00. This is the code of doom and death.

    3. This will go away after a period of time, and you can use your dsi again.

    4. Steps 1-3 will repeat, but the time you have to wait for it until it works will get longer each time

    5. Finally, your dsi will make you wait 16 hours to use it again. The next time the code comes up, it will not go away.

    6. You now have 2 option.
    6.1 new dsi
    6.2 sending to big N for repairs
    6.3 if you are not on warrenty, you will have to pay $93 usa dollars (where I live) for repair, could be more or less for you.

    I have confirmed this with to happen on my, my bro's, and my friend's dsi. This has been the case 3 times, so its true. Stop using flashcarts while your dsi still works.

  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I've been using flashcarts on my DSi XL/DSi/DS Lite/DS Phat for years and nothing has happened to me.
  12. manaseater

    manaseater Well-Known Member

    Dstwo gba sfc

    How old is your dstwo? Check the contacts on the cart and your ds.

    If the paper is helping, the contacts are probably at fault...
  13. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    its new to the dsi/xl, there error won't be there on any other system.

    And its not the contacts. The dsi has a thicker slot for games than other ds games. I did something similar to paper (taped the card) and it worked until the error starting appearing. And the card stopped turning up. And such. This is just the early stages, don't lose your dsi this early to something like this. Just use games on your dsi and the apps and flashcarts or your other ones. It'll save you the problems I am having.

  14. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    So what do Nintendo do to fix it and if its fixed,does that mean that it will break if you try to use a cart again.
  15. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    @fclinux: What the shit are you talking about? Flascards cannot brick your DSi because it doesn't run in DSi Mode at all. Stop scaring people in this thread at once, it's not funny.
    Besides, if it has a thicker slot my DSTWO wouldn't need paper at all.

    @everyone else: The contacts could need a cleanup again though. I will clean them today and see.
  16. HeartofSword

    HeartofSword Well-Known Member

    I was using a Kingston Micro SD...So I just switched to a SanDisk and it's been working fine.
  17. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Dad's using my 8 GB SanDisk. I tried it before and it didn't stop.

    Though some member thinks it's an overheating issue of the CPU that occurs when using emulators and the such that require the DSTWO's CPU.
    I personally do think that is the issue. I am gonna try removing the sticker for a bit and then blowing into the DSTWO's big chip. If that doesn't work I'm going to search for some soft cloth to put behind it.
    Post Merge: [time]1288896427[/time]
    Left it outta my DSi for around 8 hours and now it works fine...testing how long it takes for it to freeze :p

    Will post results back later.
    Post Merge: [time]1288896481[/time]
    3 mins 22 secs.

    Not too bad. Just needs to increase.
  18. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    I'm not lying or trying to scare anyone, flashcarts bricked my dsi, my bros dsi, and my friends dsi when those errors started happening, it can't be fixed. Its why there bricked, and why I no longer have a dsi, so stop trying to shoo me away. It is true

  19. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    You now say it cant be fixed,but earlier you said you send the console to nintendo c/w $93.

    So does Nintendo throw it in the bucket and keep the $93 LOL-is that what you are now saying
  20. fclinux001

    fclinux001 Well-Known Member

    lol I guess I did leave a loophole there, I mean no way you can fix it, nintendo will swap out the broken piece (whatever they are) for working ones, but sadly it will cost 93 us dollars. And as a result of me not having that money, I am down a ds and no longer have one. Oh and I forgot this, my other friend has a ds lite and a phat, the last game I put in was my acekard 2i, and now its broken too. Won't show up, no matter what. And his acekard 2i still works so I am just so angry about this.

    I would just buy a ds lite, if I wasn't a flipnote-head and so, my adventure of collecting change I find on the floor in order to pay for my dsi continues *sigh*