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DSTTi on DSi XL help?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Joe94, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Joe94

    Joe94 New Member

    So I recently bought a DSi XL. I've been trying for hours to try and get my TTDSi (which I was previously using on my DSL) to play games on my DSi XL. Currently, I've managed to get the Star Wars logo on my XL, but when I click it I get a black error screen. Here's what I've done so far:
    Updated my flash card to work on v1.4, using my DSL to upgrade it.
    Downloaded retrogamefan's multicart update v7.00b2 and used the TTMenu that comes with it. ( I wasn't 100% sure whether to use DSTTi-Clone TTMenu or DSTTi-Clone YSMenu, so I've tried both and neither work on XL.)

    I can use the flash card on my DSL no problems. I can click the Star Wars logo and a Games folder appears. Press it, games appear, play games, done. On my DSi XL however, click Star Wars logo, black screen and error message. Not done.

    Can anybody help me? I'm sure people have asked about this many times but I've been looking at forums and trying suggestions and nothing seems to be working.
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    It's because the TTDSi's latest firmware supports up to DSi v.1.4.3 and 3DS v.4.1.0. Since then, there's no more update for it.
    Adding YSMENU/TTMENU is pointless. It's a secondary firmware to make rom that has anti piracy protection in it to work on the flash cart.
    It's not a fix to solve your kind of issue. Your DSi XL seems to be running a firmware above v.1.4.3. I assume it's either v.1.4.4 or v.1.4.5. Either way, it blocks the use of flash carts (specifically your cart's firmware). Get a new cart that supports up to at least DSi v.1.4.5. Only then a flash cart will work on your DSi XL.
  3. Joe94

    Joe94 New Member

    Thanks for your help, you've saved me a lot of time and stress! Bought a r4i gold so hopefully will have more luck with that, thanks for your help :)
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No problem, remember to do the firmware installation using your older console (NDSL). Only after that it will work on the DSi. I hope you had bought the R4i Gold made by R4ids(.)cn. Which is the most reliable among all R4i Gold carts, otherwise cross your fingers. Good Luck.