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DSTTi Error on DSiXL

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by DeGladiator, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    I have dstti from dstti.CC

    It works fine on my ds lite and it runs on akaio 1.7.0

    but when i put it in my dsi xl he detects it as danny phantom urban jungle

    And when i start i get an error occured please turn the ds off.

    can anybody please help me?
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I hate saying this, but that's a complete lie.
    Firstly, your card doesn't support AKAIO. And AKAIO has a clone-cart measure. It wouldn't work on your card.

    And to make sure, I checked the website you listed for an AKAIO related download. None found.

    /request lock
  3. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    My DSTTi is basically a AK2i Clone and i don't use the firmware from the site because it is unstable
    And Akaio 1.7.0 is the only one that works when i test it on my dsi xl
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    See this:

    You need to know what is the firmware version your DSi console is running. Try matching/changing the loader and files according to that. I don't know if DSTTi actually runs AKAIO or not, only one source on the net that I found mentioned clearly it doesn't even support DSTT (DSTT carts can use YSMENU, not sure about DSTTi though), but none ever mentioned about if AKAIO works or not works on DSTTi. Just so you know, if your DSi is running v.1.4.5, I don't think there is any AKAIO support for it. But it's true what Xenirina said, AKAIO got an anti-countefeit code to prevent clones from running it.
  5. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    Yeah my DSiXL Detects it as danny phantom urban jungle

    And it runs on 1.4.5e
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Then end of discussion, AKAIO only went as high as support DSi v.1.4.4.
    Buy a new cart that's pre-installed to work on v.1.4.5 or higher.
    That's the best solution.
  7. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    Can't I do a factory reset to 1.4.3e that was the original firmware of the dsixl
  8. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    No. Once a DSi or 3DS been upgraded, it's a one way process. You can't reset it.
    The system reset you get to do will just reset the settings and options to factory default.
    But it don't downgrade the upgraded firmware.
  9. DeGladiator

    DeGladiator Well-Known Member

    Well it once worked for a friend of me which runned 1.4.4 and downgraded to 1.4.2 by system format
  10. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    If you think logically, why would Nintendo go to all the trouble to release firmwares that blocks flash carts. When a simple system reset can undo all those hard work? And why would all those flash carts makers create new upgrades to overcome those Nintendo updates? Well, if doubt my words then just try doing that. At least that will satisfy your curiousity.