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dstti and dsi 1.4 firmware

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by rickyrickred, Sep 20, 2009.

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  1. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    if i update my dstti to the new version that fixes the 1.4 dsi firmware (i only have a ds lite now) and i get a new sd will i have to update the card again. Or does the update change the tti card only (not the sd)?
  2. [Game|Freak]

    [Game|Freak] Well-Known Member

    The firmware is located within your SD card so if you get a new one you'll have to add the new files into the new SD card. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone but most flashcarts are like that.
  3. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

  4. [Game|Freak]

    [Game|Freak] Well-Known Member

    No problem. =)
  5. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    w8 w8 so if i transfer all files (updated ones) to my new sd, i wont have to update the new sd?
  6. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Actually, the TTDSi 1.4 fix is internal to the TTDS card. Once you do the fix, you can format your microSD and load the 1.17 firmware files on it without the TTiUpgrade.nds file and it will still work.

    The Upgrade that fixes the 1.4 issue actually changes something inside the internal memory of the TTDS card. Once it is changed, you don't need to change it again and can use which ever MicroSD in your card (as long as it has TTDS firmware files on it).
  7. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    i updated the tti card already, so is it safe to remover the three files i used to update it?
  8. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

  9. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    i also heard on another thread that r4 stopped updating its firmware. Point is, is dstti i good card? ive only had it for a short time now.
  10. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    DSTTi at least seems to have a living development team. They did develop a 1.4 firmware fix (unless the community did that... I don't know). But they haven't developed a new firmware since January, I believe that is when 1.17 came out.

    It's not the best card, but it's definitely not the worst.
  11. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    oh ok. so its like in the middle
  12. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    The fixes needed to bypass 1.4 DSi firmware are included in the internal loader, held in the internal memory in the cartridge chip for certain parts of the firmware. This is obvious as it would be too easy to just update the firmware through the MicroSD to bypass the DSi firmware. Flashcarts without their own method of flashing their internal loader have to use their own way, such as being run on a regular DS, or an updated version of the cartridge for example.
  13. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    i feel ya amen amen ty
    Post Merge: [time]1253408604[/time]
    who made the dstti dsi1.4 firmeware fix? was it the ndstt team or the community?
  14. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    DSTT team of course.
  15. rickyrickred

    rickyrickred Well-Known Member

    how come the update for the 1.4 firware wasnt on the website.
  16. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I think the one file was, but not the two others required for it to run.
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