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DSTT-> Rom loading error

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by NekoLolita, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. NekoLolita

    NekoLolita New Member

    Hey all,

    I recently downloaded and patched Ivy the Kiwi so I could play in English :)P). Problem is, whenever I try to run the game, it starts to load and then I get a black screen saying:
    [Rom Loading Failed]
    Load rom errcode=-4
    Please reset the system

    And honestly, I've been googling and trying things (getting the newest firmware, reformatting) and it's still not working.
    (though all those tips were for other error codes)
    What does this code mean? What's wrong?-.-
    (oh and I just saw I messed up my cheatcode-things for all the games? None of my games seem to have cheats anymore, and I know they had)

    Other info:
    Well, I've obviously got a DSTTcard. Newest firmware V1.17. Reformatted with FAT32. And uhm...that's it I guess?

  2. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Newest firmware isn't 1.17 - try to use the search and I'm sure you'll find an answer to your problem...
  3. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    You can get the v1.17a12_rev07 firmware from here , don't know if it is the latest firmware though for I don't use dstt. 8)
  4. al5911

    al5911 New Member

    YEP ,that's the latest unofficial firmware.You have to use the most updated ext,info,sav dat file from this link ...http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=218024&st=0&start=0. Big thanks to Pong20302000,retrogamefan,drwhojan,etc. Just click the link there, it'll download that file from filetrip. I suggest you to sign up there (GBATemp.net) as there have the great forum and the most update about everything for gaming devices. Hope this helps.
    Oh yea, for the latest cheat code you can go to http://cheats.gbatemp.net/Temp/ .Thanks to Elixirdream!!!
  5. NekoLolita

    NekoLolita New Member

    I did use the search button, multiple times on multiple places/forums. Didn't work. sooooooo.

    Both of you: Thanks! :) So..I just download from filetrip and copy everything to my SDcard? Alright, I'll try that, I'll let you know if it worked!
    ...if I don't completely forget about this topic that is. I'm such a chaotic person-.-
    Post Merge: [time]1277493788[/time]
    It's not working.
    Ivy the Kiwi still has the same errcode.
    My cheats are back tho.
  6. NekoLolita

    NekoLolita New Member

    And I DID forget about the topic *fail* well anyway, it didn't work. Still thesame errcode x.x Now what? :(
  7. Devilkid32176

    Devilkid32176 Well-Known Member

    from the sound of this means there is a Anti-piracy issue with the game
  8. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Do you use an unpatched version of the game - because the updated firmware only works on unpatched games unless it says differently ind the txt-file.
  9. caveman1783555

    caveman1783555 New Member

    hi same error but with Pokemon blaze black and how do you patch/unpatch a game :)
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Try backup and try RGF firmware.


    Check compatibility list, Do not use patched/trimed roms est, Just clean roms only.