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DSTT Keeps corrupting most of my games

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by omgwtfitzben, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering why most of my games get corrupted after I turn my DS (I have a Lite) off. I have a DSTT, up to date firmware (v.1.17). I have about 20+ games, mostly RPG's or Action games. KH doesn't corrupt, my save is still there, but Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor does. Might & Magic just recently did, and it didn't even after I turned it off a few times. YGO 2010 worked perfectly fine with the patch, but after 6 or 7 times after I turned it off after it says DON'T TURN THE DS OFF, I wait a minute or so. Then just after that, I turn it on and it's corrupted. It's happened to the older YGO games too. I do not use any action replay codes at all either. The only time I used them was for Pokemon Platinum right when the Rom came out. Platinum started being weird and freezing so I just formatted my card after that and haven't used any AR codes since. What made me post this was that I got Heart Gold (J) with the English and Katakana patch and I played it for about an hour, turned it off and it got corrupted. So I decided to just never turn my DS off while playing (leaving the charger in, sleep mode, etc), and it never froze so I was happy. I played all weekend and got a fun team to use and beat the Elite Four, little did I know, the game would reset after the credits. Wi-Fi worked, I traded my friend to evolve a Kadabra and what not. And yeah, after the credits, it resets (Like all previous Pokemon games, I just haven't played in ages so I forgot). And the blue screen came up, and I just turned off my DS and stared at it for a few minutes and got quite angry. Can anyone give an explanation? Should I just format my DSTT? Get a new flashcart? Thank you so much.

    By the way, my DSTT cannot run TWEWY or Chinatown Wars for some reason. TWEWY creates data, then the game resets and says its corrupted, and just repeats itself. Chinatown Wars won't load. So yeah.

    Thank you again if you patiently read this all.
  2. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Try to update to latest firmware 1.17a12 - that should help.

    Backup your card first and then format it with panasonic formatter and put the firmware on and then your games.
  3. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Okay, now it's saying it's not corrupted, but instead it just starts a new game. On the main menu of the DSTT, it says it has a saved file also. ):

    I did everything you said by the way.
  4. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    put all your games and saves in a folder called 'games' or something like that. The less you have on the root of your card, the less corruption you'll encounter. TTDS is a bitch like that @.@
  5. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    I formatted everything and just deleted every ROM, I didn't play most of them anyways.

    I had them in a folder called Roms.

    So when I open the card it's

    TTMENU (Folder)
    Roms (Folder)

    I got 1.17a12 and the 105.zip off the Japanese website. Still corrupts, I posted in the RUCP thread because it's mainly related to PKMN HG.
  6. Lomaha

    Lomaha Well-Known Member

    Try to get the firmware from here http://www.linfoxdomain.com/nintendo/ds/
    In the forum you can find a patched PKMN HG or the updated files so it works.
  7. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    Nope, it still gets corrupt. ):
  8. robert_newbie

    robert_newbie New Member

    More than likely 1 of 3 things is going on here.

    1) Your DSTT is a clone. Running the official DSTT operating system on a clone card will corrupt the files on the SD card. DSTT put a "no clone" patch in their last 2 releases of the operating system. This has been documented and announced by the DSTT team. There are unofficial upgraded versions of the operating system floating around that work with the cloned DSTTs. IMO these are the official op sys for the card that have been reverse engineered and the "no clone" patch removed from them.

    2)Your micro SD card is bad.

    3) Your DSTT card is bad.