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DSi stopped reading my R4 for some reason..

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by ilostmyeye, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. ilostmyeye

    ilostmyeye New Member

    EDIT : Loading Screen Freeze Resolved.

    Hey guys. I'm kinda new to this Nintendo consoles. I bought a DSi and it comes with a r4i sdhc (gold color, no box). At first, all was working well. I was playing Dragon Quest IX for 2 days.

    But then I decided to update the firmware because I want to visit the DSi shop. (Wood R4 v1.28 was
    the current firmware I was using).

    So I formatted the micro SD (2 GB) and downloaded firmware 1.36. After downloading it, I copied all files from the .rar file onto the root of the mem card. I booted the DSi, clicked the Spongebob card icon just like before, and gets stuck in the loading screen forever.

    I have tried all kinds of firmware. Watched videos from YouTube. Suspected my card was a clone/fake and tried WAIO firmwares and Wood R4 for Clones.

    Still, it was stuck in that black loading screen for eternity. Please help me.

    BTW, my flash cart looks like this. Gold sticker. Do you guys think it's fake?

  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Loading Screen Stuck. PLEASE HELP

    Let me see if I understand what you're saying correctly;

    1. You had been playing DQ IX using Wood R4 v.1.28
    2. Then you decide to go online to download stuffs on the DSi Download Play Store
    (Before doing that you accepted a DSi Download Update via WIFI; thinking if you don't accept it
    then you won't be able to go into the store.)
    3. Then before deciding to continue playing DQ IX, you decide to update the Wood R4 to v.1.36.

    If my deduction about your problem are correct.....then you're pretty much screwed. The issue lay in case no.2. Nothing related to Wood R4 being updated. You must have accidentally without prior knowing had accepted the DSi firmware/hardware (for the console) update v.1.43. The downloaded DSi updating package right before going into the DSi store causes your console to block off the use of flash cartridges. And there's no turning back. Its a one way update, can't downgrade.

    Well, try searching from your flash cartridge's official website for a 'DSi v.1.43 update'. If there is then you're in luck, download it, place it in your SD Micro, borrow someone's NDS/NDSL console to perform the upgrade for your cartridge (because you can't use your DSi to do it), only then you can re-use your cart on the DSi.

    But if you can't find such update from your cart's site or any where on the internet, then you're out of luck. You can kiss the cart good bye, and have no choice but buy a new one that have such updated firmware to overwrite the DSi's v.1.43. Such as Supercard DSTwo, Acekard 2i, R4i Gold v.1.43, iSmart MM, etc. Its a valuable lesson, in future never accept any file/add-on/update when online via whatever electronic device you use without prior knowing what its for and if its even safe to download.
  3. ilostmyeye

    ilostmyeye New Member

    Re: Loading Screen Stuck. PLEASE HELP

    No, I haven't done the one you said at number 2. My DSi is still at 1.4.1 I think.
  4. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Loading Screen Stuck. PLEASE HELP

    Please try to make sure first that its v.1.41 and not v.1.43. If the issue is Wood R4.....well it'll be wierd if you had been able to play games on the v.1.28 (its certainly not WAIO/Wood4TT). It'll mean you're either running Wood R4iDSN or Wood R4i Gold. Which should work with the latest v.1.36.

    Unless you were running WAIO v.1.25 or Wood4TT v.1.25 which in this case is not compatible with any of the latest Wood R4 as those 2 are no longer in production. There are no more WAIO or Wood4TT after v.1.25.

    By the way, you do remember to unpack the .rar file right using WINRAR/7Zip? And after you format, you copy back the R4i's kernel files into the SD Micro or just WOOD ? You should re-insert the R4i's kernel as well. Also make sure you did not by accident replaced the R4i's _ds_menu.dat with the Wood's _ds_menu.dat. The Wood's _ds_menu.dat should go into the _rpg folder to avoid overwriting the R4's DAT.
  5. ilostmyeye

    ilostmyeye New Member

    Re: Loading Screen Stuck. PLEASE HELP

    Fixed it. I don't know if my R4 is a clone or not but the R4 firmware (w/ moonshell stuff) worked on it, but the games won't load. So, I downloaded Wood R4 1.29 for clones from filetrip and it worked without any problems, until now..

    I was able to play games. Tried Megaman ZX for 2 mins., transferred games onto the SD card, and even tried if I still have my DQ IX save file. It was working all good until I booted back to the Wood R4 menu, selecting a game to play, and suddenly noticed that the upper screen was all blank white.

    So I restarted my DSi and voila! "There is no card inserted in the ds game card slot." I was like WTF. I didn't even know how the shit that happened. I was so excited to play DQ IX after 2 days of searching for the right firmware.. but then this shit happened.

    I tried every solution the internet has to offer.. The Paper Trick, cleaning the metal contacts of the R4 cart, blowing the card slot.. Why is this happening to me..?
  6. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Loading Screen Stuck. PLEASE HELP

    Did you mean the WoodR4v.1.29 you downloaded is this one ? http://filetrip.net/f25669-WOOD-R4-1-29-for-clones-V1-33.html

    Sorry to break it to you, but its for R4i3DS. And the only carts that can use it are the ones listed in that link. And when I download it, it turn out that the content is for use on R4iDSN. Which is clearly not your cart. Short to say, you had added a firmware that is not meant for your cart, that is what causes your cart to show that error message.

    Also to inform you, your cart is a clone, I know that from the start, which is why from the start I doubt you're using WoodR4. You can't use WoodR4, only WAIO, that's why I said its weird if you can use WoodR4 because its not listed among the compatible cart list. And as I mentioned, WAIO and Wood4TT stopped at v.1.25. I know at least 2 persons who posted a mix and match WAIO v.1.25 and renaming it as a newer update. Which is why I also though maybe that is what you had added in the first place.

    I suggest, since its not related to your DSi firmware. You try YSMENU for R4_SDHC-R4i_SDHC. http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=43121.0. Download Retrogamefan's Multicart update. Inside you'll find the folder for R4i_SDHC. Back up your micro sd content before adding the files in the folder. See if it fix your problem. If not try the content of the R4_Clone. Seems to me all the games that were released after 2010 does not work on your R4i's original kernel. If those does not work, then really I don't know what will.

    Just so you know, there is another secondary firmware that I've not mentioned; its AKAIO. But it only can be use on Acekard, Acekard 2i, and clones of the Acekard that often bear the name R4 or R4i. But I don't know if your cart is a clone of the Acekard or the clone of an R4. If its a clone of the Acekard, then it might work, but if its a clone of the R4, then it will not work. That's all that I can say. Maybe someone else could come by and help you, maybe someone with the same cart as you.
  7. ilostmyeye

    ilostmyeye New Member

    Yes, that one. But it's just the same menu and files that came with the R4 when I first got it. It was working w/ no problems.

    What I suspect is, maybe my SLOT 1 (game cart slot) has some problems inside. Because before, even if there's no microSD inserted in the cart, it would still show the Spongebob card icon.. But now, it's blank and shows "There's nothing inserted in the ds game slot."

    EDIT: I don't care if it's a clone. As long as it plays DS games it's ok.