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DSi games on R4 card

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by maddog1963, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. maddog1963

    maddog1963 New Member

    Hi if i buy a DSi and a R4 card for it will it allow me to play both US and Europen games on it as i can with my DS?
    I heard that the DSi is regional, but will the R4 card overwrite this?

  2. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ds games-no matter the region-are not locked.

    Prehaps dsi-specific games (or for the moment-those downloaded from the dsi shop-an entirely different matter) are.

    I have an american copy of metal slug 7 running on my australian dsi (australia counts as (E) region).

    So the ds games are NOT region locked...as of yet.

    (FACT-australian gamers got the dsi before anyone in america ever did-a first considering games from japan usually go to america first-plus I got the 6th handed out in all of australia :) )
  3. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    By the way you need to buy a special DSi R4, the DS/DS Lite R4 wont work on the DSi.
  4. xReTry

    xReTry Member

    i have the NDSTTi and that works perfect on my NDSi no matter what region... so u should be good.