Uhh, I really need help. DSDSR doesn't work for me... (DSDSR= DsDsRevolution btw...) All it does is open up and on the top screen I just see some kind of girl and The word "DsDsRevolution" In front of her. I'm using this on DSTT. Please help me. T___T Thanks. ???
Make sure you're using the latest version and have installed it correctly. http://de.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww41.atwiki.jp%2Ftako2lab%2Fpages%2F20.html&lp=ja_en&btnTrUrl=%C3%9Cbersetzen
ok songs aren't there because either you just threw in the raw MP3 files which you are supposed to create a song using stepmanias package creator (just download stepmania and it should appear on start menu) or the songs don't have steps in them (download user created songs from the stepmania website and put it in your songs folder), or it is just in a wron directory. if you did all of those and it STILL doesn't work then something isn't right or you just need to download a later version Post Merge: [time]1270020551[/time] oh shoot you bumped it. i didn't know this thread was a year old. oh well at least my post will be helpful to others.