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DS production cycle?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by greedy_Monster, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. This has probably been asked before, but I'm curious.

    Now that the 3ds is out, as is obviously not very friendly with it's older brothers, I was wondering if It'll mean the end of normal, non-3D games, and would bring out older systems to a standstill.

    I personally doubt that is going to happen, that is, any time soon, because obviously the 3DS is kinda... hanging on the lines right now. Honestly, when I tried playing it, I gave up 30 minutes in and just turned off the 3D. I absolutely love the control panel, though.

    What do you think, will normal production of DS games stop, in favor of starting the new cycle of 3DS games alone?

    I sure hope not. :|
  2. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    I think it will, but Nintendo said that the games will never require 3D to be played. So you can always be turning off the 3D and enjoy the much better hardware of the 3DS.
  3. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    Like in DS dual screen (and touch), game developers are also free to not use the 3D option if they fell like it. SO they can use the full power of the hardware.

    About the 3D, its just that people is not used to it, after some months you will prolly never turn off 3D
  4. viccie211

    viccie211 Well-Known Member

    Like I do after one and a half week :p, I only turn it off to turn it right back on and enjoy the 3D more.