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DS Fanboy is dead: A moment of silence please

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by knightroad, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Well, they finally decided to destroy my favorite online blog site DSFanboy.

    Joystiq wasn't happy having a clean lay out and console specific sites, they had to destroy all of that and lump all of Nintendo topics in one page.

    I mourn the loss.

    A moment of silence out of respect for the dearly departed.

    Ok, enough of the dramatic stuff, seriously I am ticked off and thought maybe some people here would understand/sympathize with me.

    Anyway, if anyone knows of another site that frequently covers DS stuff let me know. I already read Pocket Gamer UK DS section and GBAtemp, but I would really like something that has more reviews, articles, and discussions of just DS stuff.

    Pocket Gamer keeps talking about the DS and brings up blah blah about the iphone and psp in the middle of their DS articles, which annoys me. Plus when they have contests over there I can't participate because I'm from NA, and when they talk about DS releases again I'm not in their region.

    GBAtemp has Wii stuff merged with their DS/GBA news too. I was all excited about a new homebrew on their site only to scroll down to see if was for the Wii. I was sorely disappointed.

    I have nothing against the Wii, but I don't own one, I might never own one, because I just really love my DS and only have time/money to invest in one system, and this generation around I chose the portable variety. I have an old Gamecube and still haven't finished some games for it, so I have no time for a Wii.

    Anyone know of any good, frequently updated (as in daily) DS Only blog or website?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Winterreise, there are many, however obviously most of them are just part of a whole network.
  4. knightroad

    knightroad Well-Known Member

    Well, I will update my own post..........

    Looks like I jumped the gun.......... Joystiq has already made a move and put up a DS only tab at the top of the Nintendo page, so it looks like all is well

    Just have seen so many sites I frequent over the years go down the tubes into trying to be "mainstream" and they end up destroying it.

    But maybe Joystiq is going to continue to give good coverage of the DS after all.
  5. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Even if it's just a half-decent blog, it's still nice to have something centered on the only handheld that I have :) . I hope the original bloggers from DSFanboy continue on the new integrated site, though. Wouldn't want to turn it into another PSPFanboy.