So, I'm making this thread because someone asked about it on the comments for Disgaea DS. Swapping DS audio between English and Japanese versions of games is possible when the games don't contain any changes beyond translation (ie. no new scenes that would be missing audio). I believe this to be the case with Disgaea, and hopefully it is because I can't stand the dub >_> *Damn, it isn't lol* Bear in mind I'm no expert at this, but I have made it work in a couple games, and is it ever nice ^_^ Anyways, to swap audio from games you're going to need the program, "dsbuff", try googling it, it should come up. Using dsbuff, unpack the Japanese version of the game, dsbuff will pull the rom apart into a whole bunch of files you can mess with. Rename the NDS_UNPACK folder to, "JP Unpack" or something so you can remember what it is. Look for files that seem to be sound files, they often have names that are appropriate (eg. from Disgaea DS, "voice.dat"), but occasionally the file names are a bit more cryptic (eg. also from Disgaea, "msgvo.dat"), so basically it's just a bunch of trial and error. Once you think you've found the right files, unpack the English version of the game, and put the Japanese sound files into it. Now, use dsbuff to pack the rom and test it in your emulator/cyclods/R4/whatever you have. If everything goes smoothly then there should be Japanese audio on the English version of the game. If something doesn't work, which is likely, I've had everything from English audio and JP text to JP audio and no text, just go back to your rom unpacks and mess around a bit more. It's just a bunch of trial and error, but provided the games are essentially the same, it should work. So far I've done this to Subarashiki Kono Sekai (some call it, "TWEWY",) and to Disgaea DS, and I beat SKS using the modified rom so it worked perfectly, and Disgaea so far has had no problems has become essentially a no-voice version with JP sound effects... it almost worked, heh. I posted the modified roms for these on my filefront if you don't want to bother playing around with them yourself, that can be found here Though if anyone can find a way to fix Disgaea... that'd be great, but it seems a bit more difficult to do than just switching files around... might actually have to decompile some of the code, and that's way beyond me, I'm no hacker unfortunately =( Have fun being dub free! ^_^ ***Ho hum, as far as I can tell, a perfect Disgaea English -> JP swap is impossible, save for actually modifying the code. Some of the files in each rom are completely different, and the .tbl values for sounds differ with the language versions (eg. using the JP msgvo.dat w/ the english .tbl, it plays the intro voice instead of the prologue voice). It seems to mostly be the dspack.dat file that does everything, from setting the appearance of menus and item descriptions to calling voice packets when it needs them. If anyone can make one that's fully operational, give a holler, otherwise I'll just keep going with what I've got and see how bad it messes up xD I've reached episode 7 with the modified rom, and it appears to function as a no voice version with JP sounds effects, which in all honesty causes less damage to the ears than the dub, so I've re-uploaded that.***
OMG You are AWESOME! I've always wanted to play an undubbed version of TWEWY! 8DDDDD *worshipworship*