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Dreamland adventures

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dedboy, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    One subject I do often wonder about is this. The one common infirmity most of us have in common: the lack of sleep. I can lay down, and it will take me roughly three to five hours to fall asleep. Anyone else on RomU have this common infirmity? And if so, what do you do in order to avoid insomnia and gain a full nights sleep(eight to ten hours, at least). Please try to avoid chemicals/drugs in your answer(alcohol, pharmaceuticals(Ambien, Valium, ect.) I would like to know if you have a routine or some home remedies that could help. As always many thanks, it's two sixteen Ante Meridiem, and I am awake as usual. :eek:
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    You saw this answer coming from a mile away.

    Oh, yeah. I'm actually serious. Without it it can take a bit longer to fall asleep unless I'm dead tired.
  3. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Bah. Although I have to admit, your forthcoming is most admirable, thing is I have the curse of being a romantic and sex is just too fast for me. Still you get a nice round of applause for playing! ;D
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I don't know, just do something that will make you tired. Try to avoid something that stimulates the brain, like the computer or video games for example, they stimulate the brain and get you all excited and pumped.

    don't worry ded, sex will come in time, romance before though. Romance is a must and a necessity.
  5. Kyotachi

    Kyotachi Active Member

    Sleeping pills.

    If not the former, then take Sleeping pills. Solves all problems IMO.
  6. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    For someone that has always been a romantic and treated women like gifts from God, they sure gravitate towards those that mean them either harm or to take advantage of them. But I digress. That's the part of me that knows I am but a shadow in a land of darkness.


    ^^ those are some of my poems I posted on this site, read them and tell me if you think I am a true romantic, I would appreciate a females word.

    I should take my leave, but thank you for your time beautiful.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I never understood that from some of my friends, they always go for the douche bags and man sluts. I think it has something to do with human nature, you know, like the alpha male? You'll find someone, if my emotional little hubby can find a loser like me, then everyone has a chance. That's how I see it.

    I'm going to read them, I'll respond to the topic directly.

    AWWW, no one called me that over the interwebs. :> Thank you. bai bai.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Ugh, don't even get me started on insomnia, I often have US people on IRC go to bed before me, and I'm at least 6 hours ahead of them here in Europe...
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...Try having a permanent sleep time..to just shut down...

    Your body is like a clock-once set it stays there-but keep changing it and it becomes pointless..

    Here is my body clock time-took months to get it, and even then it becomes...sorta dificult..

    Wake up-9:30am


    At least 7 hours there...it's the minimum, if I go any earlier, i can't sleep...

    Any later, and it might not until 1pm before I wake-even if I'm 1 hour late to bed XD

    Don't become dependant on pills...makes your body weak in my opinion...that's why I have a bad cold, I tough it out by running around...in the cold in a short sleeve shirt (my job requires it...but I have the option to get a long sleeve...but too cheap to buy :( )


    ...Any sort of exercise can bring about sleep...but it has to tire you out, stress (eyes, motional pain, etc) are bound to keep you up...working out just before bed may not help...

    Sex (even though...I've yet to experience...yet :( don't go there) can do wonders, because it's a pleasurable activity, it eases the mind as well as tire it out if it's a long session...(word of mouth if your wondering)

    I suppose another way (the one I'd take on some occasions) is to go for a long drive at night...music going...and driving about...maybe a little faster than you should-I don't exceed the limit (anymore XD) but I do turns at 60kms (at the most, car has almost no handling) if it's clear enough...

    I'd go faster, but after one time in the wet during a round-about almost put to sleep...for good (was fun though-wish it wasn't busy when I did it XD)

    BTW I not endorse driving like a speed demon-just long and pleasurable...but any activity (other than gaming and online usage :( ) that you enjoy (yep even knitting...as an random example) can work...
  10. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Hey Seph, do you keep a healthy supply of Red Bull around? Or are you naturally just that way?

    I don't even know how you look Nat, I only say that for the fact you have a decent attitude. To be bluntly honest women will go out with and even marry the abusive men, and then realize later on the truth, and go seeking a decent guy. But we won't always be there.

    Lastly, I fell asleep around 3:30 AM, and slept until 5, and as soon as my clock struck five, I instantly woke up. Even my vision is now getting bad due to all of the restless nights. It takes weeks to get re-established, in order to get a normal sleep time. At one time I went to bed at 630PM and awoke at 430AM, everyday without fail. But I stayed awake just one night and that's all it took(with Bioshock) then it was completely ruined. If any of you DO get a decent bed time, stick with it, as it only takes one blip on the radar to ruin what you worked so hard to establish to begin with.
  11. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    Sorry if this post is a little two strong.

    1) Avoid drinking SODA that has CAFFEINE in it between the late hours of the night. (8:30pm~11:45pm)
    2) Take a nice hot shower.
    3) Turn off the damned radio. Keep the stimulus as low as possible. Eliminate any unneeded lights or sounds.
    4)[This one is a little low-brow but...] Pleasure yourself (if you know what I mean) after that you should be so tired that you can't help but fall asleep, but for the love of God, clean yourself up before you doze off.

    I have had some dreams where I met this Anime girl. I now constantly draw her and she is now my Icon thingy that I use to help people remember me.

    I also had dreams where I "got lucky" if you know what I mean. It is strange to have that happen in a dream and then wake up pissed the F**XXZ off to realize that it was a dream.
    This dream-sex has happened to me a few times. I will tell you, it is like a freaky candy, Nice on the first half, but when you wake up...ARGH!!

    ...I should stop playing my DS before I go to sleep.

    @Natewlie I agree with you %100, I think sex is the final step in the spiritual fusion of two soul-mates bound for each other. After the sex, and the fussion, they will have a strong love, bond, and constantly have each day a pleasure without the need for sex.
  12. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I have my ways...but sometimes it doesn't work, some stuff I can take that is supposed to "dumb" me down enough to sleep actually seem to work in reverse (e.g. sleeping pills) and I get into the insomnia stage for a few days then after that I am so tired I finally crash and if left alone I will sleep for 18hrs+ and after that the cycle starts all over again.
  13. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Hey Madman, my system is backwards too. I can take something to help me sleep and it acts like caffeine and I stay awake, adversely, if I drink coffee or energy drinks, I fall asleep :p . I just hate having to go to bed around eight PM, just so I can fall asleep by one. I do appreciate all the advice though, it all helps me formulate a plan so I can get some much needed shut eye.
  14. northofpolaris

    northofpolaris Well-Known Member

    You can take valerian root. It's a natural herb that helps with sleeping- just be careful with taking too much of it. Read up on it first or ask your doc before you take it. You should do that with anything you're taking to help you sleep. Honestly, a glass of red wine really helps me sleep and I feel a hell of a lot more refreshed. Yeah, I know you said to avoid alcohol, but it's really soothing and can help your mind relax. You also sleep more deeply.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I'm just nocturnal. Seems to run on the male's side of the family too because my brother and father are the exact same way. =/
    I'm pretty much the same in regards to the caffeine thing. I just gave up trying to get my sleeping schedule adjusted to a more normal time since it never works out for me anyways.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    alcohol is a depressant, so it is quite likely to make you drowsy.
  17. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Same here Reider. I am close to just accepting the fact I take five hours to fall asleep for only three. And it runs on the male side here too, I sometimes just get up and pace the floor or even go walking at 2AM in a vain attempt to tire myself out. I guess much like Reider some of us will have to just accept the fact we have werewolf genetics.

    Just hope no one has any silver longswords or I'll be sleeping for good.

    Alcohol in moderation is ok by me, I just don't want too many people developing a bad habit over it. Thus why I asked for home remedies and such. Oh and I saw your story on your avatar Loony, she's quite beautiful, and a very noble cause.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I would avoid such things...for some people I know, it takes alot to knock them out, and when they wake up, they will sure regret it...

    And that's if responsible drinking is used-and we shouldn't be suggesting drinking before bed time right???

    Yes caffine is a bitch, I worked at kfc for 4 years, during the graveyards we got free food to make up for the lack of penalty rates...

    Needless to say, if it wasn't a 24 box of 600ml pepsi drank, it was 48 300ml orange juices XD

    (apples keep you awake more than coffee...it's the natural sugar that does it, same goes to OJ...)
  19. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    When I can't sleep, I usually read or watch a documentary. Usually doze off 15 minutes later.
    Sex is a great way to fall asleep, as someone said (even masturbation) :D ... unless you have premature ejaculation.
  20. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Yes masturbation is great for falling asleep, watching documentaries on TV is too
    Just allow yourself to relax