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DreamCast Help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by bobafett2, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. bobafett2

    bobafett2 New Member

    I apologize if this has been asked before, but...

    I bought a used DreamCast about 2-3 years ago and rarely play it. I tried downloading and burning games and some worked and some didn't. I looked into and you need to either patch them so they can self boot or use Utopia. Now I use SwapMagic for the PS2 and I loath it sometimes, so I want to patch the games if possible. Now my questions are:
    1. The games on the site, I assume they are clean AKA unpatched, correct?
    2. If so, does someone how a link to a site with good easy to follow instructions on how to watch the games to self boot?

    Thanks for any and all help.
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    They're repacked scene releases, but we did not patch them in any way no.
  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    i'm going to bump this thread, seeing that im probably a week or two away from buying my own Dreamcast (take that, cheap ass dreamcast emulator bastards!), and i also need some help on how to burn Dreamcast games.

    1) do you use a PC to burn DC games? if so, do you use Nero (the only CD Burning software i know) or another program?

    2) the ultimate question: how?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you need a program called pardus discjuggler. Unfortunately, not only is it commercial software, it also only works with specific drives. Dreamcast CDs are burned with the tracks closer together than regular CDs, this means there are more tracks and is how a DC game can fit 1.2GB on a regular CD. As a consequence, you need a drive capable of burning the reduced track spacing, and the software to control that. Check the discjuggler compatibility list, if your drive is not on there you'll have to buy one that is.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I know this is old but I figured it was better than starting a new topic over the same issue, but my question is I have DiscJuggler 4.60.1214-PRO2 using Vista and I had found an older guide and attempted to follow it, and apparently my burner is compatible because I had no problems burning the .CDI image. which I done at x4 speed. When I place it into my dreamcast it just keeps going back to the dreamcast menu so I tried the Utopia disc and it booted up just fine but when I placed the burn disc in it just stayed on the Utopia screen. so I am thinking I have done something wrong and hopefully someone can help with some info.(and I am not ashamed to say I have no clue what I was doing in the first place, but I had to try so I can learn seeing I have never delt with cd based game burning beyond PSX.)

    Another thing the Utopia I have is version 1.1 I had it for quite a few years and the cds I got with it that use it works just fine and the self bootable games work fine. Would I need to try and locate a newer version of Utopia? and the game at question that I downloaded and burnt (I think) was Marvel vs Capcom 2

    Hope I included all the vital info anyone may need. Thanks in advance for any help.
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    don't just assume it's compatible, check the compatibility list on the discjuggler website. Also .cdi images should be self booting.
  7. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I checked the list my for my drive and brand is listed but not the model number so I then googled for a few hours and there was quite a few that stated that it worked for their drives as long as the brand was listed at discjuggler website it was worth trying out stating that if the program works on older models theres still a chance it would on the newer ones and if I didn't get any type of errors during the burn or if it would not burn at all then it was of course incompatible.

    I also found a few more details about changing some settings that I didn't do before I figured it may be worth a try and oddly enough the person was having the exact same dilemma same game and everything but never seen any report if it worked or not.

    That I did learn and the other formats as well :)

    I also learned my wife has deemed me insane for wasting hours at a time "over a game" and I explained that its not just the game its the processes behind it and I know it can be done and I seen proof of it and I want to pull it off too...didn't help things. Then I heard her say wouldn't it be easier just to go and buy it...all I could do was hang my head.
  8. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Got a success! all I had to do was change some settings...kind of worried me because it seemed a bit too easy to be good, but it worked. Well...thanks for letting me rant and for the info I will leave this alone now so it can fall back to where it was when I bumped it.
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