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Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter: Endning Explaination

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by supleted, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. supleted

    supleted Well-Known Member

    For those of you who are still in the dark about how Drawn to life: The next chapter even after watching the ending, here is my humble two cents on the situation. Needless to say, there will be some:

    Spoiler Alert!!!

    Mike was a normal boy traveling with his family on a trip, when a car accident happeded and knocked Mike into a coma. Within this coma, he created the world of raposa, a world centered around him (even though it may not look like it) In fact, it is so centered around him, if he ever waked up from that coma, them this world shall end. Wilfre knew of this, and so he tried to prevent Mike from leaving by draining all the colors away(supposedly if you refill the colors Mike will be more likely to remember who he is and try to wake up) Mari and Joey was led onto the secret, but when they heard Mike not wanting to preserve this world, they knew what to do. After Wilfre is defeated, the raposas pleaded the creator (aka God aka you) to bring Mike out of the coma, and the world of raposas vanished without his presense. The scene afterwards was just so you can keep playing the game; in the end, everyone (except Mike) Died.

    Incidentaly, I applauded the raposas for accepting their end, even though it is inevitable.
  2. rqanduq

    rqanduq Member

    You were correct on most things, but you should check out Wikipedia on this if you haven't already. See, what happens is, if you were looking at the last photo, you saw Mari and Jowee as dolls. Mike, for some reason, during his coma created the land of Raposas, which came from his and his sister Heather's favorite playthings. The "creator" is also actually Mike, but he in the game has no idea until the end when they all die and roposa-heather is talking to him; you just draw for "Mike". Also, Wilfre is actually the symbol of Mike's death. By taking away color, Wilfre is somehow slowly killing the real Mike. Wilfre claims that this will save all of them. If Mari stood on his side, real-life Mike, "the Creator", and game Mike would all vanish; and Wilfre and everybody would also die, since it's Mike's imagination that created their world. Without him, how will they stay existing? Also, Mike didn't die. He was simply restored and woke up. PS: If you have anymore questions, just ask.