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Dragonology Game - Stuck on 90% Completion

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by BubbleGumLove, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. BubbleGumLove

    BubbleGumLove Member

    I'm totally stuck on 90% completion, I've received all the certificates apart from the one for returning the European dragon to the wild and i've got my dragon to full stats on each section. I've also got all of the specimen's and information for each dragon. However I cannot unlock the last type of dragon. I really want to finish the game and I can't see what's left for me to do...
  2. TienLung

    TienLung New Member

    Same as.. How to "make the trip"???
  3. Fennyariel

    Fennyariel Well-Known Member

    People keep forgetting about a wonderful site that's been around for years! ;v)

  4. BubbleGumLove

    BubbleGumLove Member

    Well its really getting on my nerves now, I don't want to do ANOTHER mission with no real aim :(
    And that website does have a query of the same nature, but its not been answered either..
  5. TienLung

    TienLung New Member

    Maybe too little people playing the game?
  6. TienLung

    TienLung New Member

    OK, enter castle Drake(where you see your records and collections), turn left, see the statue of a little different color(greenish instead of gray) ? Stand in front of it. Yes, IT. Where the gentleman would explain" I don't remember putting a statue here." Here you go, here is the last type of dragon we've been seeking for ages, right in your house. Go chat with him

    All you have to do is to chat----only three times between journeys, he'll sleep then and you'll have to go on another mission after which he'll wake up. Chat to receive information and to get his presents(Body parts, if you like... Including his dung, oh....)

    All done, and your mastery will reach 98% . The last mission will be shown on the map. Grab whatever you call that European dragon, fly him to the place and search for your target(Wow the time limit is... Just look at the huge place.)Annnd finally, your little friend is led away by a female. ..? -_-! Nothing more...

    The end of the game isn't so satisfying I think?

    PS: get it while watching Liu Qian's magic show on the New Year evening party ...Ah my eyes betrayed me again.