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Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic+ Download Link

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by garg_priyansh, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. garg_priyansh

    garg_priyansh Well-Known Member



    Release Number: #4680
    Region: Japan
    Dir. File Name: Dragon_Quest_VI_Maboroshi_no_ Daichi_JPN_PROPER_NDS-BAHAMUT (*English Patched*)

    Known AP:
    -Black Screen,Crashes,etc.

    Works On:
    -No$gba 2.6a with No$zoomer 2.3.02 (With And Without Bios)
    -Edge/iEdge 2.0
    -YSMenu Retro's dat v6.43
    -Acekard 2i 1.8.1
    -Desmume 0.9.6

    Not Working On:

    Feel free to tell me on which cards it does'nt work!

    Download Link: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0LCTG0NP/Dragon_Quest_VI_Eng.rar_links
  2. Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    Works fine on Edge/iEdge 2.0
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    I don't see the ponit in this topic as both (U) and (E) ROM work's on no$gba with bios enabled - are card's with latest correct firmware settings
  4. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    either you are confusing the games or you need to work on your english, there is no U or E version those will come out in two months
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    The AP for this game was patched ages ago, and the English translation will not cause any other issues to arise. This thread is pointless. If the game doesn't work on your cart now, it never will.
  6. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    i dunno fi it works with ysmenu
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    It work on YSMENU and WOOD. I'm playing it already. I'm a DQ freak.

    The JPN rom had been AP patched ages ago, this release is an added patch for the translation side only. So, as everyone above said, "there's no point in this AP thread as there will likely not be any issue as the AP had been dealt with ages ago".

    The translator said to avoid any error/issue, "Don't attempt to use WIFI. And after collecting the legendary weapons, there might be some Japanese words starting to pop up as that's the part not yet translated".

    I thinks its about 90-95% translated. But by time you've acquired all the Legendary weps, you'd already know your way around the towns and dungeons. I think its sufficient. Not to mention the length of this game, could take weeks to complete, by then the US version could be already released.

    Translating this game is several times harder than Pokemon, not to mention the text files are in .MPT, .Lzip, .BIN and several other extensions. It really is difficult process. Hats off to Grinch for his amazing job.
  8. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    all i was curious is was to know how far this had been translated, nothing else
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    You never even asked that question in this thread. Don't be a dick.
  10. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    and im not, once i got a question answered praectorian unknowningly answered an other he killed two birds in one shot, all i wnated to know how far was translated was to be my second question which was formulated , i guess i should had elaborated, plus on the download topic my question is there
  11. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    VI after IX makes me dizzy.
    I think I'll just wait for the English one though, it'll come on Valentine's day next year anyway. *Lazy to transfer files around*
  12. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    Ops sorry i thought it ment Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies (E)

    not VI , sorry my mastake
  13. garg_priyansh

    garg_priyansh Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    oops my bad. I thought it was a new release!! :)
  14. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    Just to confim it works on no$gba as is witout bios enabled

    Also works on DSTT are YSMenu Retro's dat v6.43 also as is
  15. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    It was working for me earlier, I made it atleast an hour into the game and then the game crashed and I got a Black Screen. After I tried loading it up, it said Save file corrupted. Now my DS freezes often, any ideas why? Thanks guys
  16. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    Sorry but what where you playing it on , Emu , card ?
  17. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    my N5 card ( i know i know, everyone says to throw it away but I just can't seem to get my hands on an Acekard)
    It was actually working fine for quite a while, but after the first black screen (i entered a house and it turned black), my DS has been doing it every few min of gameplay. Even after I had to start a new game :'(
  18. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    use ysmenu to run this game
  19. DragonQuester

    DragonQuester Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic

    lol I am, thats the weird thing. Ever since that one black screen, I've been getting it for other games too (like Golden Sun). It just doesnt add up :-\
  20. kenny6457

    kenny6457 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest VI *English Patched* AP Topic
