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Dragon Quest IX

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by dedboy, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Dragon Quest IX Japan release date: 6/11/09(DQ games are released on the weekends in japan)

    North American release date: 6/01/10

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. I will make the changes accordingly in on the release list itself.


    P.S.- As a side note, those that subscribed to the Japan version of DQIX, stay subscribed, as that will most likely be dumped first. I know that most people know this, but I wanted to cover the ground on that area. Thanks.

    Edit: I flubbed this one, thanks to Skylar for the heads up, as this had already been released as of July 09 in Japan. It has a June 1st store date here. So I apologize to anyone mislead.
  2. sandman-858

    sandman-858 Guest

  3. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Dragon Quest IX was released last year o_O

    the english version is coming in summer
  4. dedboy

    dedboy Guest

    Ah yes Skylar, thanks for that. I mixed my dates up horribly. I will fix that immediately.
    You have my thanks.