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Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4,R4i Gold,Acekard 2i)

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by MindFever, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Hello folks. Gawd,i wasn't here for quite some time now...those damned exams were sucking the soul out of me...

    But anyway, going back to the topic;

    Okay,so if you had any problems with Dragon Quest IX like freeze-ups when trying to do the first treasure map quest (Zere-Rocks -- "Collapsu's Call") I found a fix,so to speak, that finaly enabled me to use the Treasure Map function in the game.

    The "solution" may look odd and may make you think it has nothing to do with treasure maps -- just try and see , you can't loose anything by trying:

    Rom that i use is that of XENOM's (without Xenom's intro) - cracked version. I'm not sure if this works for the CLEAN DUMP

    1) Run the game -- make sure you saved your progress in a Church and not with the quick-save function --

    2) In the main-menu after the intro cutscene, go into the Wi-Fi setup menu

    3) After the Wi-Fi Setup Menu loads up, just exit the Wi-Fi setup menu alltogether [pressing the B button exits the menu].

    4) The screen will go blank (white) for a few seconds (from 5 to 15 seconds ...depends on your flashcart)

    5) The game (rom) will reset and place you back in the intro cutscene of the game as usual ---> After the intro (you can skip-it) in the main menu of the game, load the save-file and continue your progress

    6) Now, go to the Zere Rocks and talk to that guy who asked you for help (thus enabling you to get the Treasure Map menu in the Items section)

    7) The game won't freeze anymore

    IMPORTANT: every time you load the rom and you want to use treasure maps,you must use this "fix" or the game will freeze-up again

    NOTE: this works also if you already got past the Zere Rocks guy (Collapsu's Call quest) but couldn't access any grottos because of freeze-ups when you entered them or whatever... this should work

    I'm not sure if this works for other flashcarts, so don't have your hopes up too much. Just try it, it won't take too much time to find out now,wouldn't it ? People that had Acekard 2i ,R4 & some of their clones reported it worked for them. As i said, it worked for me whereas before this "trick" or "fix" i couldn't even get to finish the quest where you got your first Treasure Map.

    I didn't find out this fix by myself... i heard about this "fix" from an annonymous commenter on a ROM distribution site (a blog of sorts).

    I hope this fixes your problem.If not , I hope you find a solution soon. I trust you will

    Cheers! Have a nice time treasure hunting and looting up the place !
    Post Merge: [time]1283880652[/time]
    p.s.: oh, another thing... to be sure (for R4 users and R4i/R4i Gold) , when you load the ROM press and hold the A button while the ROM is "Loading..." -- just in case. It works without me pressing and holding the A button.Maybe this can make a difference if the above mentioned "FIX" doesn't work for you ?

    Cheers.I hope this helps
  2. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Can you please explain that further?

    I don't quite get how you can exit it in one step...
  3. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Very nice work even though i did not play the game!

    A freeze could be a video graphics issue, You need to use no$gba debugger to see where the offsets stops at, and patch the hex codes, keybord controlls are F3 and F8 to locate on what's happing in offset's in no$gba debugger
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Well,obviously you can't exit in one step... Just exit the menu normaly as you would ...pressing the B button a few times if you roamed about the wi-fi setup sub-menus ;) (you don't have to go through those sub-menus ...but just in case, i do it like that.)
    Post Merge: [time]1283880957[/time]
    Huh? This is a fix for flashcarts...
    Post Merge: [time]1283881009[/time]
    sorry,i think i missunderstood what you meant
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Oh ok.

    I don't play the game though, or else mah mighty DSTWO would use it's AP destroyer ;)
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    It can also help for flashcards , as hex is also kined of a cheat at 0x02000000, but easer worked out with a debugger

    NO$GBA 2.6a - Debugger


    No$gba debugger password : veta
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Oh... i see. Well thank's for pointing out on what i wrote ,so people could understand better ;)

    Anyway, could somebody report if this worked for you? Tell me/us which flashcart you have and if it works for you or not.Thanks !
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    no problems!
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    YEah,i remembered then that you can use the debugger (i didn't read your post entirely) ...sorry for that. thanks for the info.But im no programmer and i suck at HEX coding. could you make a patch with the help of the "fix" i posted above?

    Ok ,take care folks.Hope it worked for you ...I have some daily chores i have to finish :) cheers!
  10. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Re: Dragon Quest IX -- Treasure Map Freeze-up FIX (tested on R4i Gold, R4i,R4 etc.)

    Can try but it may take awhile!, well hopefully like i did with mario and sinic at the olimpic games


    Well try at least lol!

    EDIT: You don't need to be just f*ck around with the hex code utill you have an reaction out of it! , if not reset emu and try again!
  11. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    weird... i guess nobody is interested in treasure hunting in this game. Last time i checked this was a wide-spread problem for those who played this game - as it was for me untill someone posted the solution.

    Ah well ,i guess my evaluation of how wide-spread the problem is, was a bit exagerated ;)
  12. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    im confused i used xenom dump everything in the game was perfect
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    And when you tried to use Treasure Maps in the game,the game never froze? well, then you have a different Flashcart ... i don't know what's so confusing
  14. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    i have r4 original
  15. zero_one

    zero_one New Member

    I just want to say that I have been trying to figure this mess out for close to ten solid hours today. I tried all sorts of things and nothing worked. You can only imagine how pleased I was when this actually worked for me! A few of my friends ran into this problem and just started skipping these parts all together, so now I can share this with them and everyone is happy! Thanks!