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Dragon Quest IX general questions

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by alcibiadesii, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. alcibiadesii

    alcibiadesii New Member

    I have completed the basic game and according to http://ameblo.jp/koulinovesperia/entry-10300778270.html I am supposed to get the Ark as my aerial vehicle. Unfortunately, I do not read Japanese and I do not know how to get it. After completing the basic story, the trees no longer seem to allow you to call the Ark. Did I miss something or do I have to find an object like the whistle?
  2. dabura667

    dabura667 New Member

    Go to Tso Beach, and talk to the girl who calls the whale (shes in her hut), accept a quest from her...

    then wait til night (or choose the second option at INN to rest til night) and go to the beach IN TOWN where you FIRST met the whale-girl.

    talk to the ghost, and then once you talk to the ghost go back to the hut and talk to the girl.

    She leaves... then you need to get some specific things, a shield, a robe, and a cane... the original Japanese is みずのはごろも, うみなりの杖, みかがみの盾... Water robe, Sea-sound Cane, and Water-mirror shield...

    Water robe みずのはごろも can be bought at the armor shop in ドミールの里 Domir Village
    Sea-sound Cane うみなりの杖 can be bought at the weapon shop in グビアナ城 Gubiana Castle (the desert village)
    Water-mirror shield みかがみの盾 can be bought (after beating the game) from the GIRL (new) armor shop in セントシュタイン城 Senshtein Castle (Rikka's INN's town)

    The three are ALL crazy expensive, so save money like crazy.

    then you must go to the secret beach of Tso (where you did the boss fight with the whale)

    Then talk to the girl, (I think you might have to have them all equipped to one person on your team or yourself, try different combinations til the scene starts) and the whale attacks AGAIN...

    This time he has about 3500 HP and is harder than last time... but if you beat the game, hes way easier than the last boss...

    when you beat him you will get an item that is called アギロのホイッスル Agiro's Whistle (its in your normal items, so he might give it to a party member to begin with, but just put it in your bag.)

    use it on world map and you can fly around in the train...

    press R to blow the whistle (while riding the train) A to land where the shadow of the front car is casted. timing is crucial to get to small areas on mountains and stuff.
  3. alcibiadesii

    alcibiadesii New Member

    Thank you so much! I will try this out and see how it goes ;D I had an inkling that the whistle was the key, and I cannot wait to get it!