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Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butouden (JAP) AP Topic

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by hihilol, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. hihilol

    hihilol Member

    Hello people! I have a solution for the AP problem of
    Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butouden (JAP)
    *!ONLY TESTED FOR WOOD R4 1.23!*
    This fixes the freeze on: Licensed by Nintendo.

    Step one: Get Raku Raku Patcher 1.2 (You can find it on FileTrip)

    Step two: Execute the .exe file inside of the zipped file.

    Step three: On the first line, you'll see a button with a question mark on it.
    Click that question mark and then select your Dragon Ball Kai: Ultimate Butouden (JAP) NDS file.

    Step four: You will see a big, white, empty box under the first line. Copy and paste in there this code:
    00004610: 3B B2 07 B0 6D C7 C9 62 9D F3 40 1D 15 59 1F FF → 00 00 9F E5 1E FF 2F E1 CF B3 00 00 00 00 9F E5
    00004620: 06 BE 0B 71 B3 55 8D 8B 2E F7 D1 17 84 59 DC 67 → 1E FF 2F E1 DD A2 00 00 07 40 2D E9 1C 00 9F E5
    00004630: 40 1B 0A 1E D7 C3 DD F1 68 2E 7E EA 41 B2 08 06 → 1C 10 9F E5 00 20 91 E5 02 00 50 E1 14 00 9F 05
    00004640: 5B 9B 93 4B 73 01 C8 7C B6 EA 63 46 → 00 00 81 05 0C 00 80 02 3C 00 81 05
    0000464D: B0 ED 6A 73 13 50 66 B5 47 A6 B8 0C 0C F1 2C → 80 BD E8 20 AB 12 02 F8 8E 12 02 10 27 00 02
    000049F8: 1E → 0A
    000049FA: 2F E1 → FF EA

    Step five: Click on the button with the two question marks below. Wait a few seconds and normally a box will appear with the code you inserted. Click on the button and close the Raku Raku Patcher.

    Step six: Now you'll see a .bak file and a .nds with the game's name. Delete the .bak file if you want to, since you do not need it. Place the .nds file on your micro sd card with Wood R4 1.23 and you're ready to play.

    Hope I helped!
  2. SushiSushi2

    SushiSushi2 Member

    You should write what's the AP do.
    I got AK2 AKAIO 1.8.5 game runs perfect.
  3. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Found this in filetrip from RebornX :
    English Patch (on-going translation process) : http://filetrip.net/f23872-Dragon-Ball-Kai--Ultimate-Butouden-0-1-1-English-with-XDELTA-0-1-1-XDELTA.html (in the translation section)

    The original page: http://filetrip.net/f23863-Dragon-Ball-Kai--Ultimate-Butouden-0-1-1-English-0-1-1.html
    * Not sure if real or compatible. Someone might need to test it.
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If the changed hex chages the gameID will have to edit the dat's XD!, with new gameID added
  5. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    What you said is true, the coding will probably change if a patch is used. But I'll stick it here just in case someone find it useful, maybe someone who don't need YSMENU to run the game can test it. I just so happen to found that in the translation section of filetrip, while looking for something.
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    With TTDT and YSmenu more likey the loading data is need to fix errcode=-4 and =-6

    not many people do know that they is a errcode=-6 with arm7 of the rom, but you need to patch any arm9 from any game that loads into the rom to know this!

    So just the new gameID needed and added to infolib.dat to load the game up
  7. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Right. Anyway, the translator just updated his file version. I've re-edit the above post. Anyway, gotta go....I'm done downloading games for today. Be back tomorrow.....
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Will wait for your added file! _ befor adding the new gameID and will reupload the required dats!

    Welldone! prectorian

    Look i get home later!, I do like my own pc and settings betterr xd!
  9. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    ;D, its not my translation. Its RebornX's, and he said he plans to translate the entire game. I just happen to saw it while browsing filetrip, that's all. I think its best you keep track on that link I gave on top. That would be better cause I'm going offline now. Cao.
  10. hihilol

    hihilol Member

  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Should be fixed for DSTT/YSMenu uses Clean ROM - needs tester

  12. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    Does anyone expericence and sort of flickering? I played the pre-patched version and it works fine, but I expericence flickering at times and it can be quite annoying.
  13. hihilol

    hihilol Member

    What do you mean with flickering? (Sorry, I'm a noobie in language)
  14. tyson_rss

    tyson_rss Guest

    As in, does certain parts blink? Piccolo's body sometimes blinks and so does the title screen.
  15. ringo14

    ringo14 Well-Known Member

    when you use " → " is it fine when you copy and paste it into the rrpatch and the " → " ends up being "?"
  16. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    Update from ReBornX :
    The patch link : http://filetrip.net/f23883-Dragon-Ball-Kai--Ultimate-Butouden-0-1-5-English-FOR-AP-PATCHED-ROM-0-1-5-AP.html

  17. Setol

    Setol Well-Known Member

    umm what patch translate bescause i dont see ney change
  18. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    The below is quoted from trev1's nds rom share section: http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=52647.0

  19. Setol

    Setol Well-Known Member

    ok that mean that patch didnt work for me
  20. hihilol

    hihilol Member

    Sorry for late response, but yes, it is fine.