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Downloading Wii games?? (Similar to DS??)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by scruffythedog, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. scruffythedog

    scruffythedog New Member

    Evening people. :)
    Is it possible to get software for playing downloaded games on the Wii, (Like the DS?)
    I have heard it mentioned that it is possible to download some software to put on the memory card, then put the games on the memory card and it should play them apparently? If so, please can I be pointed in the right direction...

    Any one able to confirm / deny?

    what format are Wii games?

  2. SergeantMajorME

    SergeantMajorME Active Member

    BootMii. I've played with a few peope who have had that. But I have no idea what the wii files are actually called.

    Also, you can look up the "homebrew" channel. Bootmii installs the homebrew channel automatically, but all you need to run the things is the homebrew channel, which can be installed seperately.
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    what is your wii system menu and i can point you in the correct direction. then i can get you set up with the right guide.
  4. ReidKH

    ReidKH Guest

    What do you mean Wii System Menu?
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    go to the wii options button on the lower left hand side of your screen and then go to wii settings. there should be a line of text on the top right side that says "Ver. X.x U/J/E/K". my wii says "Ver. 4.2U" so i used this guide for 4.2 wiis.

    if your wii is 3.1-4.1, then you need to use this guide.

    the only reason why nintendo and the other companies have updates for their systems is that they are trying to crack down and eventually try to deter the people who crack their software. wii system menu 4.2 is the most anti-piracy update that they have had so far. luckily there are brilliant coders who can work around these updates and let people still have the ability to play backup and homebrew games.
  6. ReidKH

    ReidKH Guest

    Soo if I use one of those guides... I get free wii games or.. Homebrew games?
  7. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    free wii games!! and homebrew. i use the emulators, n64, gba, snes, nes, psx,

    but don't use neogamma....it kinda doesn't work with cIOS 38 rev15 which you need if you want to play new super mario bros. wii!!

    my friend just gave me a 160 GB harddrive so that i could put wii games on it!! and i just bought the cables, so i'll have to wait a week or so.

    here is what i did.

    i followed the guide for 4.2.

    i then installed cIOS 38 rev15 as IOS 249.

    i then installed cIOS 202, 222, and 223 with cios 222 installer. it is required to use uloader, which i have found that it is the best loader so far that i know of!!

    and then you can play any game you want! you MUST have wifi for the cIOS rev15, 202, 222, and 223 installations.

    in order to play New Super Mario Bros. Wii, you need to use Uloader (the latest version), and you have to select to use cIOS 249 or else your system will just reset.

    this helped me out too. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj7PczzuFA4

    you can also use downloaded wiiware wad files, but i still need to figure out how to get those to work properly. though i'm not a huge fan of wiiware, but would be nice to have some!
  8. Griffandir14

    Griffandir14 Well-Known Member

    They fixed Neogamma's compatibility issue, there's already a patched version of New Super Mario Bros.
  9. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    oh. i didn't know that. that's cool. i'm gonna stick with Uloader though cause i like it better!

    plus when i was using neogamma beta 8 rev 15, i kept on getting the #001 error code for all of my games......
  10. xXGuydoXx

    xXGuydoXx Active Member

    Yeah. Wii is freakin' sweet. We need to get some of those games here. Files for Wii are in the following: .iso; .wad; .bin (Encrypted); .raw (I think...); other formats of image files.
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i'm starting to mess around with usb loading and it is WAY faster than disc!!
  12. triforce93

    triforce93 Member

    Don't you need a mod chip to play fake games or downloaded games?
    that's what I heard.
  13. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah thanks for that link, I actually pulled it off with my Wii without any problems. have yet to mess with Wii/GC games on it yet but I've loaded up on some wiiware games I've been wanting to play.
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    use the latest verion of uloader and you can actually rip your own wii games. i haven't tried gamecube yet. i don't think that it loads them.
  15. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I guess Uloader would replace neogamma?

    I'm out of blank dvds, and don't have an external HDD (yet) so I really can't fool with ISO's yet, even tho I am downloading one so I will have it handy when I get some discs.
  16. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Good!! you will need a WBFS manager in order to put games on a HDD/Flashdrive.

    here is a good one that i use. - http://wbfsmanager.codeplex.com/

    and another by the guy who made Uloader! - http://mods.elotrolado.net/~hermes/wii/uloader_v3.2.rar this includes the latest Uloader!!

    yeah. uloader replaces neogamma. it is way better anyways i think. as Neogamma doesn't support the newest IOS 38 release. You will need the newest one in order to play NSMBW.

    here is a link to it. - http://dl.qj.net/wii/homebrew/custom-ios38-rev-15.html

    choose the network install as i can't find the wad file for now.

    install ios38 rev15 as IOS249 in the installer.

    this video helped me! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj7PczzuFA4

    also ensure that you use dvd-r's. i'm not sure if dvd+r's work, but i've read that only -r's work.
  17. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Nice, got any other tips or tricks?

    How the hell do you get emulators to run I tried snes9x and put them where it told me to and couldn't get anything to pull up other than though bootmii and it just come off with "can't boot that" or whatever the technical jargon was.
  18. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    just wait a few minutes and i'll PM you a link with EVERY emulator that i have!! PSX, NES, SNES, GBA/GB/GC, Gamegear, Sega Genesis, and N64!!
  19. xXGuydoXx

    xXGuydoXx Active Member

    Not anymore. I had a Wiikey, but that has recently died on me. I currently use Coverfloader and GC Backup launcher. With those, I can play 95% of my games.
  20. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i can play 100% of all of my games.