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Downloading ROMs from an Fserve in mIRC

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Ehergiez, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Ehergiez

    Ehergiez New Member

    IRC - Internet Relay Chat.

    I'm just going to assume that you have never used an IRC client before, so I will start from the beginning.

    STEP 1: Get an IRC client.

    You'll need an IRC client to connect to the server and to our channel. I'm going to use mIRC 6.16 for the purpose of this tutorial. You can find a list of mirros in the program's Official Website. Download and save it to your desktor, and read the installation guide to properly install the program onto your computer.

    STEP 2: Starting mIRC

    Start the program like you would normally do with any other program.

    Click Continue if the prompt below pops up.

    Click on the Options button on the toolbar.

    Fill in your personal info ( or whatever you would like ) on the connect info.

    STEP 3: Connecting to an IRC server

    Under Server in the Connect category:
    1. Select IMPERIUM: Random Server from the alphabetized server list mIRC provides.
    2. Click on the Connect button.


    STEP 4: Joining an IRC channel

    Once you connect to the server, you can insert the following command:
    /join #G-Masters

    STEP 5: Downloading using Fserves

    Once you are in the channel, it is courtesy to get to know the people in there before you jump to grab the roms you need. After introduction, you may start downloading roms. You will need to know couple of things before you download:

    1) !list command - typing " !list " while in the channel will bring you a list of avaiable resources to download the rom.


    2) Triggers - A trigger will activate a dcc chat with the person you will be downloading from. In this example, we are going to use cpM's fserve. His trigger is " !the rom bivouac " IN THIS EXAMPLE, so we will type that in to connect to him


    A window similar to the one below should open once you entered cpM's trigger


    Here are some commands that will be helpful while you are in fservers.

    dir - pulls up a list of folders/files
    cd <foldername> - changed from one folder to another
    cd .. - go back one directory
    get <filename> - download the file from one.

    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get the latest rom from cpM, we're going to download 2254 - rockman exe 6 - dennoujuu grega (j)(supplex) from him.

    1) Dir to see a list of his folders

    2) cd GBA to change the folder to GBA

    3) Dir again to see the list in the GBA folder

    4) cd 2201+ to change the folder to 2201+ and dir to see the list of files available

    5) get 2254 - rockman exe 6 - dennoujuu grega (j)(supplex).zip to get the file from cpM

    6) Voila! The download window should open and you should be getting the file!

    PS // Note that the rom won't save to your desktop, instead it will be saved in the \download directory whether you installed sysreset. eg. c:\sysresert\download\

    Hope this will help.


    Full credit for this tutorial goes to Petey, if you are using this guide replace all '#G-Masters' with '#RomUlation'

    I'll edit it and get my own screenies up in due time, this is just kind of temp... none of the mods told me no I assumed it was ok
  2. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    FYI #gmasters is dead, and #romulation doesn't have an fserv so don't come into the chat typing !list or we will call you an idiot.