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downloading ideas

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by seventhsage, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. seventhsage

    seventhsage Well-Known Member

    I've been looking for a good game for a while now. I bought several games before I bought my R4:

    castlevania (dos, eclessia, por)
    advanced wars (dual strike and days of ruin)
    fire emblem

    anyone know of any good games in the same style as these. I checked the reviews forum and that led me to drone tactics and bangai-o spirits (good job on those reviews guys, sold me instantly) I was wondering if there are any lesser known ds games (ones that perhaps didn't get advertising) that are any good. I'm not a big fan of puzzle games, and i don't like games that operate strictly with the stylus, I prefer games where the stylus is optional, but useful (chrono trigger being a good example). If anyone can think of anything, please post...


    and as a sidenote to the mods, i apologize if this is in the wrong spot, i didn't see any other place to put it. If it is, feel free to call me a noob :)
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You should probably see this: https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php/topic,4833.0.html
  3. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    in a similar style to those mentioned (in my opinion drone tactics sucked compared to some of these):

    Final fantasy tatics a2
    lunar knights
    luminious arc 1 & 2


    Etrian Odyssey 1 & 2
    Final fantasy XII

  4. seventhsage

    seventhsage Well-Known Member

    yeah, drone tactics was pretty rough. played all of those except disgea and the etrian oddesies, i'll give them a shot.

    The link seph sent me didn't work, said we couldn't find the file...
