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Downloading 360 games???

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by someirishkid, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I heard that you can download a 360 game, put the file on a blank CD and then play it.
    Is this true? If so, is their a website where you can download it from without paying ANY money?
    My friend told me to go onto PirateBay, but you have to pay for that.
    HELP ME!!!
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you dont have to pay for piratebay.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Correct-however more like a blank DVD than cd-these are big games you know...

    Also-you are aware it's called piracy-some countries, or should I say-all countries are agaisn't it.

    ..not that anyone here cares-that's what we do XD

    (though I aim my efforts at companies that charge too much ad give us crappy games-Blame EA and THQ)
  4. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    I will sent you a PM with a link to a site with 360-games.
    There are all hosted on One-Click-Hosters like rapidshare, uploaded etc
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    EA doesn't make crappy games anymore (look at Dead Space, Mirror's Edge and Brutal Legend's coming out soon, I can't think of any bad games they've released recently) and THQ haven't made published a lot of games recently.

    To play burnt 360 games you need to either flash your hard drive, or mod your xbox. The former is a lot easier and is free if you have the right screw driver. And to actually burn them you need a dual layer DVD+R, and you can download the games from any torrent site (Piratebay is free) or you can go to xbox360iso. The games are near 8 gigs so I recomment going with xbox360iso since it's direct downloads.

    To flash your Xbox you need to find out which DVD drive you have in your Xbox. To find out go here and look up on youtube "How to flash a ______ drive".

    I too dumb to do any of this. My husband is planning on doing it sometime though.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you need dual layer dvd's not just that but there are only a few brands that work.
    don't get the cheap ones the fail rate on them is massive and the degrade very fast get verbatim they're the only ones worth getting yes they cost allot more but they are worth it.

    also if you have not flashed your drive your going to need to do that as others have said, make sure it's the 1.5 (hitachi) 1.6 everything else otherwise you can't play new games.

    you also need a certain sata chipset on your pc otherwise you can't do it. but you can get the sata pci card with the correct one from ebay.

    but if you have no clue and the task is too daunting i'd suggest you google for a drive flashing service as its now really cheap now to have someone else do it.

    as for downloading the games, if you want free best bet is torrents but i always say on this matter its worth paying a little bit and getting a megashares/megaupload/rapidshare/ect account and going somewhere like rlslog and get the best release versions not to mention you get the game a whole lot faster.
  7. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm focussing on Ea and THQ because

    -EA rehashed NFS soo many time's it's not funny

    -EA's sporting games are the same thing just with slight graphic upgrade and roster chages

    -EA rarly has a good game

    -THQ once made a statment in an nintendo mag long time ago they plan to support the ds with some great games-yet eveything I see with thier logo is crap or poorly rated

    I'm aware they make good games every now and then-but I consider these 2 the same as microsoft-been too big too long and now think they can get away with sub-standard games.

    Us nintendo owners get mostly crap-and other system offer's aren't much better-especially the dam NFS series-SHIFT is meant to be a sim-yet all I feel is another arcade control game with "sim" slapped on it.

    And they overcharge of thier games in my opion-right or wrong I shan't change-one game store I visit actually charges more for imported games by EA because of how they are-normally their rrp is 20% than local offerings-EA games are the same as local offering (yes this store imports-but EA games are charged as normal because EA is watching them :( )

    Plus I'm just sick of them anyway.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    1. The NFS series has changed 4 times since Underground 2. Wanted was different than Carbon, Pro Street was different from Wanted, and Shift is drastically different than all the NFS games, then Nitro, coming out for the Wii and DS is going to be an arcade racer, which is different from all the newer NFS games.

    Also you played the PSP version of Shift, play the console versions, then come back. It's definitely NOT an arcade racer. It's trying to compete versus Gran Turismo and Forza, while staying accesible to everyone without making it too difficult.

    2. What else can you add to these sports games? There's nothing you can add that changes the gameplay, nothing. All they can do is add a couple of modes and new features. Also EA isn't the only company who does this. Sega does it with it's 2K series, but no one complains about that. You aren't forced to buy these games, if you want to play a sports game, then buy one, and don't buy the one that's coming out the following year.

    And plus, EA makes the best sports games.

    3. I wat at this. What recent EA games have been bad? Or excruciatingly bad? (besides licensed games, those usually suck).

    Mirror's Edge, Dead Space (Extraction is coming out for the Wii soon, looks good), Sims 3, Spore, Mass Effect, Rock Band, Crysis, Battlefield (Bad Company 2 looks great), Skate, Burnout and they're also publishing Brutal Legend.

    I don't remember an EA title that came out that was badly reviewed besides lincensed games or shovelware (every company is guilty of shovelware besides MS, Sony and Nintendo). The game you complained about, Shift, got 85 on Metacritic for the PC, 84 on the PS3 and 83 for the 360. IGN gave Shift 9.0 on the PS3, while the PSP version got 6.0.

    Also EA has the second highest average Metacritic score for all their games, since 2006. The only company that's beating them is Nintendo.

    4. I would argue the THQ thing but the only game I remember recently from them is Red Faction, which is excellent. But they're publishing Darksiders, that looks good.

    Then get an Xbox, or a PS3 or upgrade to a PC. The reason why the Wii gets gipped for games is because porting Xbox 360/PS3/PC games to the Wii is nearly impossible. They usually have to start from the ground up and make an entirely new game. The only reason to have a Nintendo console is for the Nintendo games that Ninty publishes or develops. Nintendo's consoles have been like this since the N64.

    Whine moar, a lot of Nintendo's N64 games costed up to 70$ american. That's about 80 dollars Canadian and Australian, and these were games from Nintendo. I remember seeing Mario 64 in the stores for 100$ in some places when I was young.

    Games are over priced everywhere but America, the new FF game is going to be 100$ in Japan. And to be honest, Australia sucks for being a gamer.

    When factoring in buying a good game, you shouldn't consider who's making the game or who published it, you should consider if it's a good game. EA's done some nasty things in the past like eating up developers, but there's worse companies than them (Activision Activision Activision), EA has been the only publisher pushing out new great IPs and that's why they deserve love. Not even Nintendo has been pushing out new IPs.

    If torrents are too slow (in my case they are) you can always download with a free account on megaupload. I downloaded 7 gigs from Megaupload without being hassled by a limit.
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok-I'll honest-I just F***ing hate ea and thq.

    I try to make MY opinion but alas-shot down.

    And yes-it was psp-but after my round of the ps3 of the last nfs game I still hold to it-the nfs games use arcade controls-underground I liked a bit and msot wanted I REALLY liked as cops+modding-good game-but it lacked lasting appeal.

    As for another system-I'm a nintendo fan to the bone-unless I locate one of these systems cheap I cannot afford even a ps3 that's busted.

    And nay to 360-that's the last system I'll buy-even if I miss out on dead rising 2 I'm cool with that loss.

    Also nay for pc-the one I have suits my needs-and keep in mind-I'm a budget gamer-this laptop can just do re-5 and I'm happy with that-5 games on it is all I need (though wish doom 3 and quake 4 had controller support :( ).

    As for the gimped part-I guess your right-even during 64 time it had it hard because of the dam cartridge format bumped up the cost of the games (though most of my 64 collectio was bargin bins-only expensive titles were $80AUD for pokemon stadium...actually that's it-everything else is bargin bin or second hand).

    That is the only point I'll give-my opinion is a rather stubborn one-LOGIC cannot reason with it.

    And these days-I don't even give a dam about reviews as they can be ridiculus at times-bad score for a great game-or vice versa (south park 64 got 99% on the old NMS magazine-when I got it it felt more like a 40%-and NMS WAS the official nintendo mag at the time-yet they gave the awsome f-zero x a 74%-despite graphics it deserved at least 85%)

    I'm loyal to a few companies and flag ship games-metal gear-ridge racer-mario kart-mortal kombat-devil may cry-resident evil-the rest are rommmed or bargin bin games-which a bulk was ea or thq based games-I'm in the process of selling a few actually.

    (BTW-Just asking off topic here are you just killing me deluded reasons-or just so bored you pick on someone who puts up the most pathetic reasons-like I personal-not educated-hell just then I noticed I misspelt personal wrong :( )
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    crysis was horribly buggy. EA always releases games before they're ready, then has to release patches to fix bugs that the game should never have been released with. That is primarily why they are crap.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    [me=mds64]likes this[/me]

    I never even knew-everyone I know keep ranting on how great it was...graphically.

    Now this is what I should have said in first place-it's rare I see a game that feels finished...almost as if they wanted more but then someone said "ok we are over budget so this net NFS game shall run at 30fps and the players won't notice".

    Of course this is an old reason why I didn't like them-I've been standing by my current reasons.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I can see that.

    All I'm trying to do is add reason and logic. To hate companies is stupid, Nintendo has alienated their hardcore gamers (which is what the GC was mainly built on) by releasing the Wii, but I don't hate them and refuse to buy their games. I just buy their games because they're good games, and I don't really like Nintendo personally.

    If you want to be called a 'gamer' you have to ignore what companies make them and just play the damn game. I wasn't a fan of EA because they destroyed BullFrog, but they made new IPs like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge, and they're publishing Brutal Legend (which got sold by Activision, then EA bought them), these new IPs is why I love EA. No other publisher wanted to make a new and different IP.

    This is why I can't debate with you. I'm putting reason and logic vs opinion. I avoided putting my opinion in the last post (besides defending EA) I made so I actually can have an argument.

    You can argue against one reviewer but a collective group of reviews (that's what metacritic does) is silly to a point. To say that a game is bad, is different to saying that you don't like the game. Also scores as in numbers, suck.

    No, I do this to everyone. Don't think you're a special case, cause you're not.

    Blame Crytek, EA doesn't have much to do with the development of Crysis as they're only the publisher. EA has something to do with the date of release but it's Crytek's fault for not communicating with EA that they need more development time. Also this is a large trend for a lot of newer games.

    That being said I don't like Crysis.

    Also, I don't like Sony, I hate Activision and Nintendo can suck a dick, but I still buy some games and consoles because there's good in all of them.

    In retrospect I shouldn't have replied in the first place.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Well then, I guess they got me since the n64 was made-if not for that I'd have a ps1 sitting next to me rather than a wii.

    Not sure what to call myself other than nintendo junkie-that's what a few people I knew called themselves-of course those people changes beliefs soon enough.

    And no I don't think I'm special-if anything I thought I'd get more since I'm an active user.

    Though one person on the forums couldn't take it-and has thus resigned to mear msn banter.

    Some people prefer opinions over facts-facts nearly cost me my job-opinions held my remaining sanity together.
    (Though I admit-prehaps I should stop replying to these debates-because one of us is only gonna end up annoyed-and for once-that may not be me XD)

    Also-after thier latest efforts-like the transformers games-console or otherwise-I hate activision as well-and atari (same staff-split in 2 apparently-activision kept the higher profile staff-forgot where I read that...).

    Infact-I hate alot of companies-and yes I even hate nintendo at times because we junkies make ourselves targets-just before I used a "STFU" on a youtube reply about the possibility of dead rising 2 on wii-wii is not "sh***y" but mearly not meant to be a power house...

    It is annoying using such an excuse-the n64 WAS a power house-and like the cube didn't get it far :(

    I can play any game-but playing anything with EA or THQ stamped is like a fast and furious movie-feels like a cash in than anything worth it.

    Sorry for destroying another debate Nat-just be glad this isn't face to face-we'd both be here for YEARS trying to make sence out of this-ask my social circle.
  14. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    :p wow I started this asking about downloading 360 games, and now this has turned into a
    "THQ and EA hater's club". lol :D
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...sorry-we get carried away :(

    Look how far it's gone...

    All from one little thought of hate XD

    ...well did your question get answered-I'm willing to help if you need :)
  16. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    thought i might quote my self as my helpfulness, knowledge on the matter and experience probably got lost in your argument
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Farcry had no major bugs, and that was crytek. The difference is the publisher was ubisoft. EA is well known for pressuring developers to conform to their release dates, no matter what. Activision are also guilty of that.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    No wonder I see a few too many horrible games from these 2.
  19. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    OK, so to play downloaded games I would need: To mod my 360, to have a double sided blank dvd, an appropriate writer, and the time to download the games.
    Wow. :-\
    That's a lot to do, plus opening your 360 console voids your warranty.
    ....I like my warranty :'(
  20. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    You have to choose between backups and warranty :p

    And double-layer is not the same as double-side! A double-layer-dvd manage to get around 8 GB on one side of the disc