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Downloaded Files are Corrupt

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by brokenclavicle, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. brokenclavicle

    brokenclavicle New Member

    I recently downloaded both CD images for Valkyrie Profile (PSOne) and both seem to be corrupt. Winrar gives "unexpected file end" and "file is corrupt errors.

    I would very much like it if the files might be looked into and fixed and have my points reimbursed so that I might download the aforementioned files. If the former is not possible then at least, please allow me to have my points back.

    Thank you.
  2. teserut

    teserut Guest

    umm, this happens to me sometimes. It just means your download stopped somewhere in the middle. Best option is to delete, get a download manager and redownload
  3. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    Incase you don't know what a download manager is or where to get one:

    A Download Manager is a program which downloads files, rather than relying on your web browser to do it. It has features that the browser does not, including the most important one which is the ability to store the part of the file already downloaded and resume the download at a later time from where it left off. This way if a download stops for any reason, it can be started again without having to start from the beginning.

    I recommend FlashGet. It is free and works well. www.flashget.com
  4. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Or you can try Orbit Downloader as well.
    Search it at www.softpedia.com

    try which is suit you well. ;D
  5. yoshi2889

    yoshi2889 Well-Known Member

    Try here. There are not much posts, but maybe later there are.
  6. brokenclavicle

    brokenclavicle New Member

    Thanks for the help!

    I'll try these out and see how that goes.
    Post Merge: [time]1257002770[/time]
    One problem, though. I tried downloading again and it took what few points I had left. Furthermore, the points I had used for the downloads are still gone. Would these be reimbursable or am I pretty much out of luck?
  7. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    You'll likely have to wait to earn more points.
  8. brokenclavicle

    brokenclavicle New Member

    Could've sworn it was that one could redownload if there was a problem without getting more points deducted. I'll have to check the rules again. :p
  9. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    within 24 hours.
  10. worldjem7

    worldjem7 Member

    I recently downloaded a game and when I went to extract it, it gets to about 26% then tells me the "file is broken".

    Is this a similar case to corrupt files or does it mean the ROM itself has something wrong with it?
  11. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Are you using a download manager?
    It might also happen cause of the server upgrade.
  12. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    i should probably get a download manager!!! i see the benefits of one now!
  13. worldjem7

    worldjem7 Member

    The download isn't the problem. I downloaded the game successfully through my browser.

    Read carefully please.

    When I go to EXTRACT the file onto my computer, it starts extracting, but stops extracting at around 26% and a window pops up and says "Unable to extract. File is Broken."
  14. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Usually that happens cause of a corrupted download =3=
  15. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    yes, but still,
    your browser downloader probably stopped for a very short amount of time (micrseconds) and it corrupted the data
  16. worldjem7

    worldjem7 Member

    Thank you for helping me.

    I'll try redownloading it.

    I'll try using a Download Manager too.
  17. mekonin

    mekonin Member

    I have downloaded Re-Loaded [SLUS-00382]

    using both the browser and FlashGet download manager. I downloaded it twice with the manager and all three times I got the "File is corrupt" message. Please confirm if the file is not broken, because I am pretty sure that the problem is not on my side and I would hate to see my 486 points wasted like that.
  18. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Does it finished completely?

    ... are you download that game using both download manager at the same time?
  19. mekonin

    mekonin Member

    It finishes like it should. I wasn't downloading the file twice at the same time. I did notice that the uncompressed file is much larger than the size of the .rar file (717.181 KB to 497.430 KB)
  20. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    the download is not complete... I think
    try using Orbit Downloader or Free Download Manager.