Try to download it using a download manager like FlashGet or Free Download Manager. That's all you can do I think.
It doesn't really matter. He just needs to use a download manager which supports resuming so that he could resume his interrupted download.
I'm having this problem as well. I was downloading Mega Man Network Transmission for Gamecube using Google Chrome when it suddenly stopped at about 75%. I tried it another time, and it stopped at the same spot. Then, I checked here, downloaded FlashGet, and then tried to download the game using it. However, it once again stopped at the exact same spot. I tried pausing and continuing, but it didn't continue. It would download maybe 5kb, then stop again. So... any help on this?
If you mean the .rar file, it doesn't contain any more than it did before those 5 kb. Also, just for clarification: It downloads about 950 Mb, or 75%, and then it stops. When pausing and starting again, the download speed is about 1 to 3 kb, and rapidly drops to 0, only downloading like 5 kb. I think it might be the amount it transfers to connect to the server or something like that. Some more info: When opening it, it gives the error message "! C:\Users\Andreas\Desktop\Megaman.rar.jc: The file "? ? ?" header is corrupt ", then opens. (I had to add spaces between the ?s, since they make a smile otherwise.) The rar file contains both files it should in the folder where they are supposed to be, but the main file (iso) isn't complete (since it only downloads around 950 Mb of 1.2 Gb).