Im sure it is, as you can run some kinds of linux on a DS as well... however I personally have never put DOS on my google?
Well... I Have Linux on DS... But whenever I search for it on google, it only appears stuff about PC's DOS
I disagree sir, that's no way a DOS port. The only thing it shares with MS-DOS is the look, it's just a cheap clone made to look and be controlled similarly, all it can boot tho is DS homebrew and it does that thing badly anyway. It's just a kind of unglorified file manager, only useful if you want to transfer stuff between slot1 and slot2 carts. Anyway there's pretty much no way to emulate or, god forbid, simply run DOS on the DS. The DS has a completely different architecture than PCs so it just won't be able to run there and as for emulation it's just underpowered - you might be able to run some of the text applications maybe but there's no way you're running graphical games. Also how could somebody even think you could emulate DOS on the DS and run GTA, that's beyond my comprehension. No, just no. It would be easier to make a homebrew GTA than to attempt such things.
its feasible actually. ARM processors are perfectly capable of running DOS and even windows CE. Indeed, the DS is significantly more powerful than a machine I have at home running DOS 6 and windows 3.1. Admittedly that uses an x86 processor, but the fact remains that ARM processors (at least in the form that ARM ships them) can run DoS with a bit of work.
Well it might run DOS but not the little more demanding games there are for the OS. I say it wouldn't be worth it and let's face it, the DS's linux is nothing like a PC linux and the range of software you can run on it is quite limited aswell. Hm and ARM devices running Windows CE? You're talking about pocket pcs aren't you? These have processors clocked around 300MHz and up and have way lot more of RAM. Also the only DOS for PPC I know of is a DOS emulator, also even if the processor might be fast enough the binaries aren't compiled for it. And think about the resolution! In DOS application it usually ranges from 320x200 to 640x480 and how are you planning on downscaling that without actually emulating the OS? GTA is no way an OLD DOS game. Oldie ASCII based games and maybe some EGA games from the 80s.
considering the speed of the DS processors is in the 95 era PC speeds, it probably could run most dos games. stuff like Duke 3D probably not, but classics like Betrayal at Krondor quite probably.