Hello again, ive been playing tales of symphonia for a while after getting a new pc. The specs are nice. Its a quad core and all of the ratings are 7.2~7.7 . So, ive been using dolphin 3.0 and the fps have spikes during battle/world map. I change the resolution to the maximum and theres very little performance difference, so i know its the emulator not my pc. I did a forum search and found that 3.0 isnt a great emu for ToS and this r4771 version is. But the thing is, i cant find it anywhere x.x No torrents, downloads, or anything. I find links but they have either no seeds or the site is broken. Sorry for the wall of text... tl;dr: please link me to a valid dolphin r4771 download. Thanks in advance!
you will need to download it from the versioning system. download tortoiseSVN or tortoisegit and check out or pull that specific revision number.
Thanks One more question: where can i locate my game save so that i can copy it to my new emulator's memory card? Post Merge: [time]1348812890[/time] Okay, with a lot of trial and error, i figured this out. Thanks admin!