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Dog Help.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KSbored, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    I have Jack Russel Terrier Mix that wont sleep at night, He keeps barking and barking and keeps my family awake, we play with him, let him go outside, and give him food/water. But he always seems to bark when we try to sleep. Does anyone know how to help? (And if this post is in the wrong category...my bad.)
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Wap him with a newspaper lightly on the snout.

    Or with your hand (more effective, shows that YOU are in control).

    Try to wear him out during the day with extensive exercises too.
  3. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Well I already hit 'em with the paper, and i do run with him everyday though. But are there any other techniqes that could let 'em know, when its time to sleep?
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure, as my dogs have all slept through the night except when they need to go outside.

    But perhaps these will help?

  5. DB_Odin

    DB_Odin Well-Known Member

    yeah dogs barking while im tring to sleep is probably one of my biggest pet peeves.
    be sure your dog has used the restroom, and dogs on full stomach's bark alot less so feed him lots before bed, but be sure to excercise it off the next day
  6. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    wher the dog sleeps?
    It may help if you slept with it for it wouldfeel your heart beat and breath
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Same thing my Dog does. Stupid Dog. During the day, he keeps his own. But around 9pm, he goes nuts. I give him a pimp slap and he's good for a couple hours, then my old man has to take care of it. We take turns.
  8. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    No problems with my dogs... They are allowed to sleep in our beds, maybe that's why ::)
  9. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    isnt dog normally more active at night?
  10. Fire_Ice

    Fire_Ice Guest

    That will have no effect you can't punish a dog if it is barking it is telling you something
    I have 3 dogs here at my house and I had the same problem with one the solution?

    I took the dog to my room and now it sleeps at my side in my bed and the dog is quiet
    I think the dog want to be with people during the night.

    You can try to light up the room where the dog is with a small light

    Or maybey the dog is a bit lonely and try it with a second dog as we did

    Post Merge: [time]1265278239[/time]
    I can tell you that you don't now anything about dogs that is a shame
  11. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    shoot it.
  12. justlois

    justlois Well-Known Member

    you dont state how old he his.

    My border collie used to be like this for ages(till he destroyed the kitchen completely and pooed all over it)
    when he started to become better at not weeing all other the place and doing is buisness everywere possible,i slowly moved is dog basket towards my bedroom,if he started yapping or crying,i just simply said no,and moved is basket back into the kitchen.He soon learnt that to be able to move to my bedroom,he would have to stop wailing and ripping things.

    awww it sounds like he loves you a lot

    when i used to come in from work,ben used to grin at me,with his teeth =))) still does it now =)

    my problem is i cant get him out of my bed,but at least he wakes me up and its good having him near :p
    hope ive helped x
  13. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i'd say sounds partly like the jack in him, yapy little shits.
    but you could try leaving some clothing that smells of who he is most affectionate to, that may help comfort him.
  14. Konatasuki

    Konatasuki Member

    How old is he, do you have an established routine? Do you take him for walks? Jacks don't tire easierly (I know I have 2). Do you go to him everytime time he barks?
  15. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Same thing here! :p

    They NEVER bark unless there's an animal or someone at the door.

    I had a horse at my front door once... :p I live in the country.
  16. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    Oh my dog is about 3 months old, He sleeps in our game room wich has plenty of space. I have a routine of leaving him water, before i leave for school, I give him a scoop of food when i get back, I let him run like crazy in the yard for a few hours, we end with a jog around the neighborhood, I shower, I feed him 1 more scoop(with water), and it's off to bed. He still uses training pads whenever he has to releive himself outdoors, but he usually pee's inside and poops outside. When I leave him to sleep he keeps barking, but do i just not respond each time, so he learns that it is time to rest?
    Post Merge: [time]1265335317[/time]
    Oh and thanks ace1o1 for the links.
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Oh. If the dogs 3 months old, he's going to bark a lot.

    Just keep him where he is and ensure that no one goes in to even quiet his barking. He should be good in a few days. :)

    If you do go into the room, he will learn that whenever he barks, then someone will come to aid him and he will continue this behavior.

    And you are very welcome.
  18. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah we have just had a 7 week old puppy dropped in our laps and after a few ights his barking/winging has already calmed since the first night as we don't go to see him when he does it. light goes off it's night time!

    as with the peeing, it is said that a dog can only hold it's bladder for 2 hours for every month of it's life.