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Does supercard dstwo run music and music videos smoothly?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by bigjen, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    i know there's a lot of forums about this but there aren't that i know that can help me. :'(

    Those from Experience, What's the best flashcard for DSI XL that:
    • runs music videos, games and music runs smoothly and views smoothly too (since the dsi xl has the same resolution as dsi)
    • AND doesn't ruin or worsen the dsi xl system too

    More info:
    I go back & forth with acekard 2i & supercard dstwo but I'm not sure which is the best for a DSI XL i'm planning to buy under the conditions above, as everyone's experience is different. I'm planning to buy at the shops (not on the net), which I'll try to be careful not to buy a fake with a bump on it.

    I'll spend under $100 as long as the flashcard will garantee it's quality and won't make my system any worse. I have to be extra cautious with the decision since in Australia the dsi xl cost $278 I really don't want a flashcard that will be bad for my system.

    Thanks for your help!

    p.s i don't care about gba games.
  2. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Re: Which flashcard is best for dsi xl?

  3. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    Re: Which flashcard is best for DSI XL?

    As mentioned above, get a SanDisk microsd. They are bar-none the best microsd on the market for flash cart gaming.

    As far as the flash cart goes, it all depends on money. Do you have $35? Get the dstwo without question. The acekard, while passable, is inferior to the dstwo in every single way imaginable (other than in my experience, dstwo won't play portrait of ruin and acekard will). the acekard is only a viable choice if your budget consists of picking quarters out of your couch cushions.

    Also, I'm pretty sure ALL dstwo's have bumps, in fact unless things have changed in the last few weeks, fake dstwo's don't even exist. My dstwo, as well as all the dstwo's I've seen on youtube, look like they have too much crap packed into too small of a cartridge. Sort of like an envelope that has a pair of socks stuffed into it. The sides stick out and round a bit. It's really no big deal, and it also prevents the problems that the acekard has. Basically, flash carts are never built the exact same size as retail nds carts, they're usually too small. A big problem that most acekards have, especially in a dsi xl, is that the xl won't read the acekard due to the pins not lining up because the acekard is too small.

    This isn't an issue since the DStwo is a little oversized. It will feel a little bit grindy going into your system. It won't damage it though, don't worry.

    The dstwo has a working snes and gba emulator, which the acekard does not. There is a snes emulator you can DOWNLOAD that works on the acekard but very, verryyyy few games work on it. Maybe 50 games in the entire snes library work, and maybe 1 or 2 of them work without glitches, the rest have graphical and sound glitches.

    Basically, to sum it up, and I'm confident everyone here will agree with me, is this:

    If you are struggling with money and are deciding between a flash cart and being able to eat for the next few days, get an acekard. If not, get a DSTWO. The acekard has NOTHING on the dstwo except the cheaper price tag, and when you consider the worth of all the software you'll be putting on it, you don't wanna cheap out.
  4. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Re: Which flashcard is best for DSI XL?

    I just get a bit worried when i watch flashcards on youtube vids when you see the screen and then it reappears again when it loads games, i don't know, and i feel like the flashcard will be bad for the system, does that happen to dstwo? And are you completely sure it won't be bad for the system? you have to be utterly confident when you say so!

    Oh and i don't worry about gba games either and my purse isn't too tight.
    Does the dstwo play games and music videos smoothly?

    What type of stores can I buy dstwo's? since i've never bought anything on the net i feel a little insecure. EB games, dicksmith don't sell them and i don't think k-mart does either. And i don't think we have wal-mart in australia either.
  5. iluvfupaburgers

    iluvfupaburgers Well-Known Member

    Re: Which flashcard is best for DSI XL?

    go to www.shoptemp.net its a great site for flashcarts. i suggest the dstwo. its a great card overall. and ive never heard of flashcarts messing up with the ds, since it doesnt do anything to the ds, softwarewise
  6. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    Re: Which flashcard is best for DSI XL?

  7. archlvt

    archlvt Well-Known Member

    I dunno what you mean by BAD for the system? It doesn't break them. The DSTWO is known to drain the battery quicker though.
  8. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    The only flashcart that breaks DSes yet known is the N5. AVOID THE NOID N5.

    tests on GBATEMP have shown it only drains noticeably more power when using extra CPU for emulation, iplayer, etc. so it's almost as much battery used by a normal game card for DS games.

    BTW, official video player release date is nov. 11th.
  9. bigjen

    bigjen Active Member

    thanks I'll get serious about it when I get my ds, it's all so confusing to choose, so I might ask qeustions again till then.