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Does education rob you of common sense?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Luk7nk4, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    To make things clear: I do NOT want to offend anyone, nor make fun of anyone.

    Everyone says that having a degree in something or graduating college is good for you. Fine, how come my superior (college graduate in economy) ALWAYS fucks up my salary? I get a different amount of money every month even though i work the same amount of time? When i asked the guy about it, he just told me to leave it to him, because he is the economist and i'm just a part-timer who graduated elementary school. The guy can't even speak english and he crashes his car 3 times a month.

    So my question is: Why do you even need a degree in the first place? They could've just employed a drunk of the street...
  2. Rayder

    Rayder Well-Known Member

    It is my opinion that, yes, higher education sucks common sense from people. Not ALL people, but a great deal of them, yes. I have seen this first hand......lots of "school-smarts", but dumb as a stump when it comes to common sense or street-smarts.

    As for why anyone would need college......would you rather have a doctor that didn't go to college operating on you? Would you want a lawyer that never went to law school defending your case? The list goes on.....

    I'm sure you get my point.
  3. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    They SHOULD go hand in hand. But in the days where degrees can be "bought" and "crammed", if you know what I mean, they don't.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    degrees help you get a job that's it!

    it helps if you specialize in an area of academics as it supports your learning but in the real world and on the job it means jack shit!

    in my area of study i have worked with people who have degrees and my skill and knowledge trumps them every time and i wonder how they ever got one.
    anyone can write an essay after reading a book but it doesn't make you good at what you do.
  5. Luk7nk4

    Luk7nk4 Well-Known Member

    There's something very wrong with this system :(

    Sure, it helps you get a job, but then what? Why does one have to pay hard earned money to get to college and they dumb you down there? Shouldn't someone do something about it?
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Higher education tends to dumb you down because the teaching environment puts you in an isolated system, what they call your microcosm. Because of this, you do master your field of studies' fundamentals, but you get cut off from the real world making you loose the ability "to find your place" in it. That is why schools, yes this includes basic education as well, should allow its students to experience the world including the bad undersides of it so they can learn these "street smarts" you guys mentioned.

    I mean how will you learn that this guy is a druggie without exposing yourself to druggies' world? Or, how can you identify a con artist from an honest man without being conned yourself? Schools can teach you what this things mean, but can they teach you the consequences you get first hand?
  7. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    My technical university teaches you how to think in an abstract way and how to solve problems in a structured way. This is a skill you cannot acquire through 'street smarts' or in companies. It is not necessarily taught during lectures, but every course has it on the background. And the direction of your study is not essential for what you can do in the future. I almost have an Msc. degree in developing hardware, but I can become almost anything, from strategic consultant to software engineer.

    After university you enter the business world, where you will learn other skills from an abstract point of view. And skills like project management, economics, social skills, teamwork, communication skills, etc. Ofcourse you will have an advantage if you have acquired some of these skills.

    However, I do feel that some degrees are overrated. You cannot get a proper education with only eight hours of lecture each week. You cannot get a proper education in groups of +100 students. If there are more students graduating than there are jobs for these degrees, then these degrees should be either more difficult or more selective (only bright students can survive).

    Finally, in my mind an economist is not doing anything with personal salaries. That is more administration or human resources. Also, do you have benefits like bonuses or profit sharing in your contract? That he can't drive is not related to him being an economist (he's not talented to drive). That he can't speak english might not be necessary for his field, although I do feel that when you have a university degree, you should speak at least some decent english.
  8. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    It depends how you receive education as well. Like one of my lecturer conducts the class differently. What he does is instead of him talking, he insists that everyone in the class participate. So each class you can see people debating on the current topic much like how we do here on romulation.
  9. adonis6804

    adonis6804 Member

    The stuff you don't get in a classroom, like "common sense", are acquired at home or on the streets and treating with people.
  10. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Well is the lecturer made the class in to a way that forces you to think then yes you do get common sense in a classroom
  11. ian13456

    ian13456 Well-Known Member

    they rob common sense and your sense of rumor.

    my brother is so smart but his jokes are too corny
  12. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    What ofcourse is very important is that the lecturer is faced with his mistakes. We have a student association which looks after the interests of the students. The association has managed to get an evaluation cycle going. The students tell the association what they think of the education, the association passes it on to the faculty and lecturers, they do their best to change it. And next semester the quality is measured again. We (the associaiton) have even managed to get the education quality in the employee evaluation meetings of the lecturers, so now education is considered an important part of their jobs.

    And corny jokes are an essential part of students. This is because there are far too few good jokes.
  13. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Not necessarily, so you could be born with talents on memory which could have negatives to your benefits but also just learning more than socialising makes you miss out. Plus 'common sense' is usually the common average person has...
  14. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    One note:
    "common" sense might not be the right word, It's not common enough
  15. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    In Holland we have this new program called 'Lekker Slim'. Basically, 'common' sense questions are asked to 'not very bright' girls, and guys have to guess whether or not the girls will answer the question correctly. Some examples:

    - 10kg of feathers weighs more than 1kg of lead.
    - The murder on John F. Kennedy was leaked to the internet two days in advance.
    - Napoleon was killed by Hitler.
    - How many days does the four-day evening walk event take? "Six, because you have days and evenings, and days."
    - The empire state building is higher than one kilometer. "Much more, at least 5km"
    - What is a guillotine? "An addiction, because it sounds like caffeine and nicotine"
    - On what scale are earthquakes measured? "That works with shakes, like sound, so decibel-scale"

    These people are allowed to vote. A little idea on how the world around you revolves is not too much to ask, right?

    Btw, I forgot the point of my argument, but I couldn't just let this post slip by. :)
  16. ultra

    ultra Guest

    when counting employee work hours, it isn't as simple as you'd expect.

    if you reside in america and you work a total of at least 5hrs and are working part time, then you're not getting paid exactly 5hrs. you are instead paid for 4.5hrs of work. by law, anyone who is to work 5hrs or more is to have at least a break of 30minutes. this is a system according to wages. btw, what sort of work do you do? you can pm me the answer if you feel to down about it.

    if you work based on a salary, then it is according to the rules and regulation that you and the company have contracted. however, the labor law still applies.

    lastly, read a book by leon alberti on the use and abuses of books. he discusses on the use of knowledge.

    economist?! lol! they are as bad as analysts. if you want to get a good job don't go for economist or analyst. analyst are okay if you can seriously broaden your knowledge, be very consciencious, good at deciphering, and be very good at alot of things. if you ever ask an analyst if it's good to invest in nintendo right now, most would say no due to speculation. when they say that it means they aren't smart and all the smart things.

    i believe maybe education has become something like religion in the past. it should be something that people want to do to get something higher. i feel that today people go to school simply because they either have to, social pressure, or other plausible reasons. like with religion, if i wanted to worship a god, then i should do it because i want to not because of social pressure or other reasons. what would my worship mean if i simply worship for the sake of society.
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I wanted to quote this for awesomeness. You put into words what I couldn't when I decided to quit university and focus 100% on web development instead.
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I did schooling just because I was made too, and if someone put me in it I would always finish...but once it was done, stuff going back straight into work!

    Nothing big excites me anyway (office work seems boring, and I can't teach anyone, and while Inplay alot of games I'm a little heavy handed to be a surgeon, and even computers get too boring for me to be in IT) so I just work with what I got...

    Retail knowledge, Hospitality, and yes RSA (can serve drinks-but need to do another to do the fancy stuff) are all i need...

    Some millionares aren't high-educated...forgot the names but the one who owns Linfox isn't (why bother it's a truck company-sure it helps but...meh)