Same, only one niggling issue Brawl online sucks, the servers are unstable and the match-up thing is awful -.-
Aren't you limited on time as well? Mariokart Wii DEFINITELY. I think The Conduit has Friends-enabled Wifi, I'm not sure though. I haven't played it online yet. Damn super ridiculous aliens suck...
all right i made a poll for all the wi-fi games (execpt for some of them...) animal crossing endless ocean final fantasy echoes of time rock band 2 the reason for RB2 is i don't know what the vs option in that is like... so... make a vote...
is there an option to vote for more than one choice? this makes a very nice list of all of the wii online games.
Thank god. I remember playing awhile back and we were limited to 2 minutes or something and there were no rulesets. As long as it's not super "private server" laggy, then I have no issue.
it usally depends on where you vs your fellow players from in smash bros. what i mean by that is the lag also i'm going update the poll with some wiiware games i forget... with wi-fi so...
So much as interstate is laggy by a few seconds and no matter what you can't have more then 2 players or the lag is completely crippling. Tis sad that they didn't invest in some proper servers...