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Does anyone else hate TWEWY (the world ends with you)?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by matty123123, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i feel like im going to get killed for even thinking this but i really cant get into it, the story is supposed to be great bit the gameplay is really sucky and i just hate it. I hate the pin things you get and i just cant get into it?

    am i alone or does anyone else dislike it also?
  2. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    hmm, well, do you really like games of this genre?
  3. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    what would you says its genre is, i love rpg's if that is in the same genre, though i prefer final fantasy and dragon quest.
  4. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    Yeah i'd take it as an action rpg i guess. I liked it becuase of the way you had to fight on both screens; its more challenging. But i don't know, maybe the step into the unconventional is what annoys you/ Or is it really just that they use pins?
  5. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    I hate. 'couse everyone says "Its best" and when I open ,I just cant say Its perfect. Becouse of high expectations. If it didnt had that much fans ,maybe I'd love it!
  6. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    yeah i think its to unconventional, its trying to be too different for me to like. i dont mind the idea of the pins its just its hard to use both screens. i am a guy so maybe i can only concentrate on one thing :p also another thing i dont like is how i cant get the pins to work sometimes, ill be touching the screen waiting for fire and i just get nailed by frog things :S and i agree sort of with asdzxc, i feel like i HAVE to love it otherwise ill get executed.
  7. [Game|Freak]

    [Game|Freak] Well-Known Member

    The story itself is great the gameplay is a different story I didn't like it much but it's decent enough because it's a new way of playing. I never even beat it yet and I just left my file alone guess that's my answer.
  8. Sunshine29

    Sunshine29 Active Member

    I really don't like it either. I read all the comments about it, and thought it was going to be really good, but no. I just can't get into it. I like the music, and the graphics are good, but I just don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing! I seem to be winning the fights, but its more random pressing and guess work than knowing what I'm actually doing!!
  9. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    yeah same game|freak im up to the bit where you have to clean this dog statue, ive heard amazing reviews about the story, i just wish i liked the game enough to be able to play through and watch the story :( and sunshine, i got up to where i was on the game by luck, i just kept tapping the screens and hoping for the best, i left the top screen on fast auto and let it do the work, its good to know im not the only one who dislikes it though.
  10. Adnan1992

    Adnan1992 Well-Known Member

    it seems like the people who do like it love it. To others its just another meh. I love the game. But I don't think people should be negative towards another just becuase they think it isn't great. Open opinions dude! ;)
  11. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i went in with great expectations but was just dissapointed with the game, im not being negative to anyone, if someone loves a game fair enough, i dont however.
  12. piggyman

    piggyman Well-Known Member

    I don't like it either.
  13. fox_trot2007@hotmail.com

    [email protected] New Member

    sorry to all fans but i hate it
  14. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    TWEWY is probably in my top 5 favourite games.

    And before you go as far to say that you dislike or even hate TWEWY, at least give the game a CHANCE. u__u

    To be honest I didn't expect much out of it because lately Square Enix just slaps together whatever game they can to get your money or bring back old games that were good to port for the same reason but TWEWY is simply AMAZING. It has an excellent storyline, the music is great and fitting for the style, and the battle system is the most original RPG fighting system I've ever experienced.

    To everyone on this thread who says they don't know what they're doing that's why they don't like the game- each pin has a different command for activating it, whether it's drawing circles around your enemies, slashing or tapping enemies, drawing a line, etc. You have to go into your pins and read the info tab (by clicking your phone in the top right corner and selecting 'Pins'). The d-pad is used for controlling your partner on top screen, and if you guys are still using Shiki as it seems, she's not too difficult to control, so just hit the d-pad in whichever direction the Noise are. Try a few battles and get to know what pins your using so you can be in control when you're in a fight.

    As for the people who don't feel the storyline, it's a little slow during the first few days, but it does get better, and it's definitely worth playing through at least once.
  15. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    when it was released here for download, i was so amped because of the hype it got. then i played it, and for about 30 minutes, i got sick of Neku's emo-ness and deleted the damn monstrosity.

    Months later, i was bored to death and told myself "eh what the heck" and decided to play the game again, this time i'm giving it a fair chance by trying to log decent hours on it.

    So i was on the 3rd day, I got the hang of the controls, got some new pins that were actually useful, and the story started to pick up. Needless to say it got me hooked. THE HYPE WAS REAL!

    Once you get the hang of the cross-stride battle and some decent levels (which is not a problem since leveling up here is faster) and some nice pins, the game becomes a lot more enjoyable. I mean who wouldn't enjoy lifting a bus using telekinesis and use it to smash enemies!

    To the OP, my advice for you are as follows:

    1) Try the game again and try finishing at least the first 4-7 days. You'll have nice items and your level would be sufficient enough.
    2) You don't have to follow the arrows above. You can press left left left or right right right depending on where your enemies are.
    3) Do not rush yourself into learning everything all at once. Fighting noises is fun in itself because of the innovative battle scheme, and once you have a decent enough level, you can lower your level a bit to raise your drop rate, therefore getting better pins much much easier.

    Trust me, you won't regret giving TWEWY another chance.
  16. KainOdius

    KainOdius Active Member

    Yeah, not really understanding the hype over it either.

    I mean it has it's great little innovations. Other than that the game is an annoyance. Pins are annoying, dual screen battles aren't "challenging" just frustrating, and the only redeeming part of the plot is the mystery of it all when you first start. After that it turns into a redundant anime style plot similar to Bleach or Inuyasha.
  17. piggyman

    piggyman Well-Known Member

    I tried it and I still didn't like it.
  18. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    i have tried it on three seperate ocassions, i just cant seem to care about it, i want to after all the hype but i just cant enjoy it and i cant force myself to like it, and yes neke also annoys me with his broody attitude and how he hates everything/everyone.
  19. piggyman

    piggyman Well-Known Member

    Lol yea.
  20. faune

    faune Well-Known Member

    If you guys had actually played it enough you'd notice that Neku's general disposition changes dramatically. Jus' sayin'~ P: