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do you think weed is bad for you. and sould it be legal or stay illegal

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gameboy5.0, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    ok then like it says in the topic do you think it is bad for you and sould it be legal.

    you must give a reason one what you think. you cant just say no or yes you must say why.
  2. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I'm split and I think this topic has been discussed before...?

    Due to past debates, I see it's not all that bad, it's just if the person has self-control and uses it wisely.

    And no also, because some users eventually want to go to "harder" drugs after using marijuana after a while.
    Just depends on how the person is, how they act and what they choose.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If it can be abused and create a bunch of emotional idiots, people who praise it infront of kids and people who are forgetful (it kills brain cells) then I say it's bad regardless of the positives.

  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    by weed i take you mean marijuana.... you know there is a study indicate that marijuana have medical purpose.... but then so do morphine >.>
  5. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Weed doesn't kill brain cells when it's used after maturity. Many things can be abused, doesn't mean they should be illegal. People should have the right to choose what they put into their bodies. Also the only reason marijuana is a gateway drug is because people buy it from dealers who also try to puch harder drugs onto people. The only place (that I know of) that has legalised weed is Amsterdam, which enjoys a remarkably low crime rate.
  6. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    yha a nother thing is thing weed is only illegal because the us can not tax it. mainly becaues people can grow it them selfs. and i am not sure but the plant witch is call hemp i think can be use to make other items like paper clothing and other things
  7. 19blac74

    19blac74 Active Member

    There is a difference in plants for paper and cloths and rope and plants used for smoking marijuana
    If you smoke the flowertops of one of the plant used for industrial use you get a bursting headache and would not get high
    If I smoke some pot from the states I don't get high you can better smoke grass like that for cows
    If I smoke some pot I bought in some coffeeshops here I get really high

    Here in the Netherlands you are aloud to have 5 grams of marijuana you can buy it in coffeeshops all over they have a stock of 50 grams what is aloud
    but they can't buy or grow it legally how is that possible you can sell in coffeeshope you can have in your pocket but an coffeeshop can't buy it or grow it
    you can grow it 1 m2

    1 blow a day keeps the doctor away
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    I can't see kids being in control of it...

    I say kids because I walk around seeing 13yr's smoking normal cigs and not many stop them (it's also legal to smoke them at 16 here apparently-your just now allowed to buy them).

    But kids and especially their parents get them around here anyway (no one gives a damn about the law but me :( ), my concern is if it becomes legal, people will be smoking it in the streets...I already have a dislike for smokers and second hand smoke, let alone weed smokers...

    I got video games that give me the same effects as drugs, now excuse me while I play Bayonetta upside down.
  9. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Doubtless they'll find a way, but at the same time, those same children that would smoke weed illegally because they're underage, are surely smoking weed illegally now.
  10. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    Weed didn't become illegal because it's dangerous and immoral. It became illegal because of business, and corrupt politics. and for those who argue against it because it's a "drug" or it gets you "high" then you should be advocating the ban of alcohol and tobacco. Because those are "drugs" and get you "high". and they're much more dangerous than pot. ( if you disagree with that lets do a death count.)they don't do anything for the mind either. Society needs mind-expanding drugs. When your responsible with what ever you have all you get is enlightenment and a great time. Everybody should have some kind of hallucinogen once or twice in their lifetime. It changes your perspective for the better. They really are "mind-expanding". we wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for hallucinogens.

    please don't say ,"What about the children?" we have alcohol for sale. why can't we just regulate it the same way? and it will pretty much put a stop to whatever weed is being smuggled in or being killed over.

    In California our prisons are extremely overcrowded, and thousands are in them because of weed. Do weed users or dealers really belong with thieves,gangsters, rapists, killers...etc. It's a huge waste of space and money.

    it has great medical uses. i have partial-seizures daily, grand-mal seizures every couple weeks. I've been on a ton of prescription drugs, weed works better and makes life good again. Less stress, and less pills=less side effects. The seizures occur less often. it helps mid-seizure. I recover way faster too.(and it's cheaper)

    and it's a huge source of very-needed taxes. It grows out of the ground. Money does grow on trees in this case. plus more jobs.

    As you can see i'm pretty passionate about the subject since it keeps me out of the hospital. and it's awesome. I'd probably advocate it anyway. I have more to say but i'll stop there. My post is already way too long.
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    lampslammer is 100% correct and thebest
  12. ready4failure

    ready4failure Member

    ... the only reason people support it is 'cause they do it.....

    It should obviously stay illegal. now, i know thats not doing much for the people that do it now as it is, but whatever. My point is going to be in the fact that yes it does kill brain cells regardless of age because it replaces oxygen intake with other chemicals dangerous to the body. furthermore, it does more damage to your longs that tobacco. drugs are only for those idiots who don't get the point that you get better natural highs from natural body chemicals from natural life processes. and for those who make the excuse that pot is natural too, well, so is cocaine, so is heroin, alot of drugs are made from naturally growing plants, that doesn't make them right. I know people who do it, and after a while, it really hurts your brain. you get dumb.... although you probably were dumb if you used it anyhow. The message? Yes pot is unhealthy, Yes it kills braincells, NO it should not be legalized. people should crack down on it harder!

    heh heh, i made a pun.
  13. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Hmm...have you actually done any research into it? I myself, only smoke it about once every 2-3 months. It may damage the lungs, but it doesn't damage the throat nearly as much as tabacco, it also isn't as carcinogenic as tobacco is either.
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Why shouldn't cigarettes be illegal? What about alcohol?

    Really anything is dangerous when taking extreme amounts, alcohol and weed are safe in moderation. Weed also seems to be relatively safe when taken to the extreme, it's something that's extremely hard to OD on, almost virtually impossible, in fact.
  15. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    Anything else to say other than it's unhealthy and makes you dumb? Thats a terrible argument. Mcdonalds is unhealthy. television makes you dumb. should they be illegal? There are plenty of legal things that are unhealthy or "make you dumb". So if it isn't healthy or educational it should be illegal right?.......is that what your saying? because if you think making weed illegal will keep people from getting dumber or less healthy your out of luck.
  16. Nerch

    Nerch Well-Known Member

    What's the purpose of smoking weed? It makes you "high"? It makes you feeling better? If life is so bad for you that you need weed to feel better, go jump off a bridge...
    There are enough bad things around, we don't need kids even dumber than they already are...
    Post Merge: [time]1271712116[/time]
    I really lold at that. You really think that or you just read it somewhere? Some TV shows are already dumb, so only dumb people watch them.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    WTF? You are apparently a very sad little man to promote suicide over drugs. Also, weed doesn't kill brain cells
  18. iTzTragedy

    iTzTragedy New Member

    Honestly I believe weed is good for you. Not just because I'm some 17 year old stoner but because we have far
    ore damaging things in our govt that's legal. Go watch the movie super hogh me. Weed had like no affect on the mans health other than that he gained weight haha
  19. Nerch

    Nerch Well-Known Member

    To me drugs=suicide, so I wasn't promoting suicide, just giving another alternative.
    Also, weed is often just the beginning. Many thing that if they can handle weed they can go deeper, and the real problem start there. So cut the beginning, you'll have the problem no more.
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    weed does not lead on to harder drugs. Some people CHOOSE to go onto harder drugs, but thats nothing to do with weed.