Hey guys! ;D I was on www.serebii.net and saw "Key pokemon hints?". This intrigued me... But it may be a false alarm like that pokemon sunday fiasco last week.... Your thoughts guys? Ps. Here's the link; http://serebii.net/index2.shtml
No. They should make it so it's more like real life, with more off branches of original evolutions and shit. we should have hundreds of thousands of species of pokemon.
They need to have it more like the anime...train them as you normally do, but an active combat system rather than turn based. I was thinking maybe god of war stlye, but without the gore/killing XD
They should make a pokeyman that kills off every other pokeman in existance and insures that pokeman stays killed lol
Nintendo won't make such a thing...maybe a custom version of doom where you play as a charizard and just shoot a whole bunch of pikachu's And have you gotten my pm's/email yet black knight?
OK... Say they do make 100,000 Pokemon, will you be willing to catch all of 'em? And if so, how long do you think it will take you to complete the Pokedex if there were that many? Also, put into your calculation Pokemon event exclusive Pokemon, which not all of us are able to attend.
This reminds me, someone made a pretty cool looking pokemon style 2D fighting game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmLupMUBQ1U
As long as people buy it by the millions (if not billions considering those who play on emulator) they'll be there doing things they should be able to do from the begging (like carry items and pre evolve).
Considering they lit a monkey on fire I'm guessin ya... I get that they wanna keep going with the video game franchise but does the TV Show still have to keep running? D: Ash has gone on so many pokemon adventures already (been about 12 years i think) He should be into his 20s by now, so let some other kid go on a pokemon journey >_< Getting back on topic: I wouldn't be surprised the least bit if they made pokemon modelled after nintendo characters (DK, Mario)
Imma catch em all! Including male/female versions and all the shinies!!! i hope my box is big enough to hold all 300,000!!!
it seems that there is according to a "thread im too lazy to post the link of" posted somewhere on romu