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Do you think 5TH Cell has a promising future?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by will1008, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. will1008

    will1008 Well-Known Member

    I know that they only had a few DS games (4, I think) but with Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life...
    What do you think? :)
    *WHISTLES* Tough crowd
  2. slipknot455

    slipknot455 Member

    i like scribblenauts but havn't really ever played drawn to life, depending on what they release next will decide i think.
  3. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    As a team itself, and not looking at their past games, I can see 5th cell making one of the best and most in-depth games on future handhelds to come. They obviously showed their diligence and skill in scribblenauts with all those words. That potentially sealed their promise to the gaming community. I hope they dont let us down.
  4. fahsky

    fahsky Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure I read something about the head of the studio deciding to quit game design & opening a church. .__. Seems like it could screw over the studio a bit.
  5. hahahahaha

    hahahahaha Well-Known Member

    The make very creative games with neat stuff in it.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i don't believe they have a future. they make these project like games but they are somewhat empty. so i don't think they have a future. what sort of interest do their games inspire the gamers to think of?

    when on plays guitar hero or rock band, they inspire to be like a guitarist like jimmy hendrix or a rock group like guns and roses. dungeons and dragons with the fantasy idea of lord of the rings or those medieval fantasy.
  7. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Inspire gamers? Are games made to inspire? Do all inspirational games make money? Scribblenauts was a commercial success. I'm not really sure what it inspired people to do, but it was as hell as fun playing. That's what 5th cell is about.
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what sort of imagination do their games inspire on the player? when someone plays guitar hero, it inspires the player to imagine that they are a famous rock guitarist. or what sort of fascination of the games world that makes players want to play? people play world of warcraft because of the warcraft universe that one get's to explore and i mean that in the broadest sense.
  9. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Scribblenaut is just like any other video games, it was made just for fun ;D
    You also train your creativity in that game to solve problems by using a way that is unique. ;D

    But I have to say that the game is hard to control, if that was fixed I'm sure it will be better :)

    This company has potential in the future I think.
  10. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    So you're using Blizzard and Neversoft as good examples of Developers? Well. How's about we talk Square Enix or Konami. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, The World Ends, the list goes on forever. Metal Gear. Frogger. What do these games have to do with inspiration? It's all about entertainment my friend. Hell, that's what games were meant to do. Inspiration is secondary. Guitar Hero and WoW are big blockbusters because they are hella fun. Scribblenauts is hella fun too. They can do better, but that's where we'll see.
  11. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

  12. Vainone

    Vainone Well-Known Member

    I'm sure i saw in a report that their getting out of handhelds and into the bigger console scene, xbox 360, PS3.. that lot.
    Not too sure but thats what i remember
  13. N3o3k7

    N3o3k7 Well-Known Member

    MMmmmm i dunno i dont like there drawn to life series, and Scribblenauts was ok but i dont think it was as good as alot of people make out got kinda boring for me lacking depth to the game .... as for this discussion on games that inspire people ive never been inspire by rock band or guitar hero there fun to play but its not like playing a real guitar, it is more down to fun thats what sells games i feel, if somebody doesn't have fun playing a game then there not going to play it end of
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    even if 5th cell games are mediocre, as long as they stay on a nintendo platform, they should be okay. if you look at most of their work from their website, they are all small based work [cell phones and the ds as well as a pc puzzle game]. this means they don't spend much and development is cheap. if they end up making games for the 360/ps3, then they'll be in trouble as cost is higher. i'm not saying this to bash the 360/ps3 and favor the wii and ds. i'm saying this because it is cheaper to make games for the wii and ds as opposed to the 360/ps3.
  15. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Didn't 5th Cell make the Proffesor Layton series?

    If they did, there is a very high rate of them becoming a pioneer in the world of gaming.

  16. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    No, Level-5 did.
  17. darky000

    darky000 Well-Known Member

    I think they have a bright future.

    From the games they have created so far, they are quite innovative and unique. Mostly, I noticed they are creating dynamic games that focuses on player's imagination. I am expecting more great games from them. Finger crossed. XD
  18. agunimon45

    agunimon45 Active Member

    Not really. 5TH Cell would have a bad future if they go on. Just a hunch, I'm not sure if they will.
  19. cuccio123

    cuccio123 Well-Known Member

    They aren't poor.
    If some random company no one has heard of can make 360/PS3 games, then 5thCell can do it too and better.
    They seem creative enough to do that.
    As long as they leave the whole "all our games involve drawing" theme on the DS.

    And video games aren't inspiring (or try to, for that matter. Except Socom)

    If you consider Guitar Hero inspiring, put down the plastic and gets some real wood.
    That's like saying Call Of Duty inspires you to join the army.
    Skip Guitar Hero and look at your musical idols for better inspiration, for they're real and true to that life style.

    I haven't seen any good from Blizzard "inspiring".
    They've "inspired" people to waste countless hours on a pointless game that goes nowhere and has hurt more than it has helped.
    Like the kids who starve themselves to death or commit suicide upon an error involving said game company's game.

    But don't look for inspiration towards a small company that tries to bring you a more "creative" look at your games.
    They've done a bang-up job this year with 2 of the greatest DS games I've seen.
    But they haven't done enough to determine their future.
    Unless they keep doing Wii Drawn-To-Lifes. Then they're done for.
    Hell, I'm would look forward to seeing them make little games for WiiWare/XboxArcade/PSN.
  20. rocklee823

    rocklee823 Well-Known Member

    Scribblenauts = Sucess
    5th cell = Sucessful
    This = not rocket science