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Do you fully agree with your religion?

Discussion in 'Debates' started by meobi, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. meobi

    meobi Member

    well. here goes my story...

    i have been brought up and buddhist and am very happy with following this religion. there are many different types of buddhism and in my country women (me!!!!!) aren't allow to go near monks because this would be a sin as this is provoking temptation from the male monks.

    but i just think that if they were monks, shouldn't they be good enough to be able to resist temptation?? surely isn't this kinda underestimating their own followers??

    i am not asking you to agree with me but please share your stories.
  2. allkratos

    allkratos Well-Known Member

    HEY,isn't Buddhism allows it's followers to question everything?
  3. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i don't agree with any religion for any reason.

    i think forcing belief on children is bordering on cruelty, religion my have been necessary in our ancient history to keep a hierarchical structure in place (which then was abused by those in power) but human intelligence has surpassed that of our god fearing relatives.

    religion serves no purpose in today's society bar to dumb people down, cause friction and stop people truly living.

    although saying that Buddhism and a few others are different and are the only ones that i can stomach the ideals of but i still think that if you take it too seriously it can be harmful. Buddhist monks spend so much of their time trying to reach enlightenment that they don't live their life.
  4. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Why yes i do.

    If the monks are supposed to resist temptation, then i don't see why women wouldn't be around them...not for excessive time frames though.
  6. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I am an Anti-Theist, though not religious, I sternly believe that people should believe something out of their own free will, and never have it hammered into their brains -- this in the case of children, especially. Belief is a good thing, if you believe it yourself, not think you believe it because you were told it was right, this includes atheism.
  7. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I truly believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. It has always been my dream to be a pirate, one of His chosen people.
  8. JupiterJiveGuitarist

    JupiterJiveGuitarist Active Member

    I lean towards disagreeing with religions more than I do agreeing with them. Not knocking their foundations.

    Faith is just a gift I've yet to recieve. Maybe later in life my thoughts will change.
  9. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    faith is not a gift it's a curse.
  10. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    Depends what you have faith in. I most certainly have faith in my family, and I don't consider them a curse.
  11. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I've seen your family, they are a curse upon this planet Paddette.

    Anywho, LKism is my religion and I firmly agree with it, if i disagreed with it then i would disagree with what i think which would make my brain hurt more than it is right now.

    All Hail Me.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I heard NAMBLA was considering adopting LKism. Expect mail soon.
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    why do you need to mock?

    ^ i agree with all your views, you do have a wide understanding about all these things, including your post on the rant section
  14. meobi

    meobi Member

    Well, i wouldn't disagree on that one but i think it is healthy to bring up your children to learn about their own religion but just not go too deep with it, that way, they can be familiar with tradition especially if that is the main religion in the country, they will know how to respect it and not to offend the followers when they themselves don't need to follow/believe in the religion. And when they grow up, they should get to decide for themselves.

    and commenting on the last part. yes, true what you said about monks not living their lives, but what actually is life?? does life mean that you have to do so many things or is it a journey through one's minds and gaining experiences. if that's the case then monks aren't actually wasting time because everyday, they are actually journeying, and overcoming what is called a "spiritual" (though i dont belive in that word as i think it's more like a state of mind - well yes technically "spiritual" then) journey and if that's what makes them happy, they wouldn't care about yours or other similar opinions.

    i'm glad eveyone has their own views, i was watching america's next top model (cycle 13) last night and there was this crazy chistian girl going on and on about jesus!! for christ's sakes!!
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    your misusing the word faith and it's a common misuse, the faith in your family is the same type you have in your brakes in a your car working and it's not faith in anyway shape or form.

    faith in anything other then god is not the same as faith in god. faith in god is to believe beyond all doubt and against all empirical evidence against it. you know your brakes will work because you have experienced them working and stopping you when you put them on it is a testable certainty that as long as something has not gone wrong they will work. you have experienced your family work, it's not faith
  16. Awec

    Awec Active Member

    According to Christianity, there is clear evidence that we have seen God work, does this mean that Christians have no faith?
    Wikipedia says: Faith is the confident belief or trust in the truth or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
  17. meobi

    meobi Member

    I think that even if some religions were made up, don't you think it is noble of the person whoever started it to go through so much to convince people to believe in something?? yes, even if it's a lie, but if it's something that make so many people follow and in the end teaches one to be a good person, isn't a fake, created religion a good thing?? (i am not talking about terrorist religions though, you know what i mean)

    what i think is that, human are those who constantly want/need to be in "control" and we know that we can't control nature, our existence, death and "fate" etc. so do you think this is why god (i am not referring to any "god" in particular) was created?? so that we know that things are still in control even if its not by the hands of us humans.
  18. Paddette

    Paddette Well-Known Member

    I use the word faith as it's defined. But I understand your point. Yes, having full belief in something that we don't know for certain, etc.
    If that is the case. Then I have faith within science, and the theories of Evolution and Natural Selection. I also have faith within the Theory of Gravity. There are other theories I believe to be true. : )
  19. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Who are we to say what is right and what is wrong, and thus teach others that they are following a wrong path, or faith. We're all ourselves and we all have our own beliefs, we should be fully accepting of other people and their religions but, as life goes, we don't..

    I don't have a religion, I simply tell people I am athiest. Some people will tell me that I am trapped and unfree, that I do not have a broad mind. I tell them that they are free to think that, as I think that I am unfree. It's impossible to say who is right in that scenario.

    At the end of the day, We're all human, we all think our different thoughts and we all feel differently about different things. I feel that I am a free spirit because I see differently to most people, and not looking at a single path, but multiple paths.

    In saying that though, I don't think everyone else is trapped, or narrow-minded, even though some people are. Who am I to tell you that you're wrong and narrow-minded.
  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    you don't need any faith in any of the terms, evolution is the most proven thing ever beyond all doubt and is backed up by so many other sciences and theories.

    remember something under the title of "the theory of" is not just an idea it's things that are backed up by evidence and is only accepted after scrutiny from peer review.

    the only reason things are called theories is because science doesn't have the arrogance to assume things as "the truth" so it allows for someone come up with a better theory, if it can again be backed up by evidence and/or consistent repeatable experiments.

    that's why i said it's a misuse. faith in god and faith in things you experience or that are real are two different things.
    it's not normally a problem but in a debate the people that have already distorted the real world to allow them selves to believe in something the misuse of a different understanding of words can cause the debate to get stuck like the theory thing

    theories= ideas/ways of explaining things not necessarily having evidence (but should have)
    scientific theories= ideas/ways of explaining things that are backed up
    The theory of= something that is an explanation completely backed up by evidence

    just thought i'd add that not so much for you but so we don't have the usual "it's only a theory" crap that usually spots out of people.

    seen being the word, nothing to do with god can be backed up by evidence or testable means.
    there are thousands of people that say they have been abducted by aliens, do you believe them just because they say so?