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Do you buy accessories for your DS?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by maggiemaymay, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I was looking for something to protect my DS against scratching because I like to take it with me when I pick up kids from school. I don't want to buy anything bulky, so I bought one of those neoprene ones and they are real ugly. So started looking online and found hard plastic ones, some of them with drawers to store extra stylus and games. Then I found one that's called a tekcase. It's a case with extra battery and not bulky at all. I charge it overnight and then I can extend my playing by 2.5 times.
  2. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    tekcase sounds interesting :I
  3. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    nope. I`m investing all my Money in Games. Most of these extras are just overselling B-stuff. I only bought some wrappers for DS and GBA-Games @ Ebay (100 for 15 Euro or so) years ago, and that`s it.
  4. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I bought a hard case just incase I drop it and a scratch proof film thing....
  5. AcroneSF

    AcroneSF Well-Known Member

    I have a hardcase with a draw at the bottom that holds a stylus and 3 games. Oh and the screen protector
  6. jonkswa

    jonkswa Well-Known Member

    i buy nothin for my ds phat since they don't sell anything (almost) anymore.
  7. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    What are wrappers?
    I got my son the Nerf case. It's so tight that it takes forever to get off and then afraid that I would break the hinge. You need to get it off in order to play Guitar Hero. He hardly plays with it now.
  8. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    ähhh...some of these hardcases, where you can put a GBA-Game into (or a DS-Game). Didn`t find anything else in my limited vocabulary. :) Wrapper. Or wrappers. It`s not? *sigh* ;)
  9. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member

    i just got a normal ds case
  10. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Only accessory I have is the strap that came with my R4
  11. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    I think I know what you mean. It's a hard plastic rectangular shaped container that has a flip top.
  12. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    Is that so? (DAMN, where`s my dictionary!!!!! ;)). ah yeah, yes. One of this container got space for 2 GBA-Games or else 4 DS-Games. Since i bought such a huge amount of it, I am done for years (100 pieces). So...that`s all I`ve invested in Accessecoires, since i have my DS. ;)
  13. maggiemaymay

    maggiemaymay Well-Known Member

    To me, wrappers are bubble wrap or clear plastic wrap that you wrap leftover food.
    How many games do you own? Once we got our DSTT and DSTTi, we got rid of our games. We have stores here that will buy used games and then give you store credit for other merchandise. We had enough credit to redeem for Guitar Hero for the Wii, and also Wii Fit.
  14. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    My DSl is so pimped out D:


    and a picture of the front (mine's the pink DS).

    I also have a fat, colorful Nintendo stylus and a Princess Peach charm that I attached recently. I do have an obsession with all things cute. =__=
  15. Ali9

    Ali9 Member

    Um, hi. When I got my DS for Christmas last year I also got a hard plastic shell case that looks like a giant DS. It has a rubber mat inside cut to fit and hold the DS snugly as well as 2 DS games, 2 GBA games a car charger (it came with), and a USB port charger that rolls itself back up when you push the button (dang kids promptly broke that button v_v).

    I happen to be a seamstress so I made my nieces and nephews custom cases to carry theirs in as well as all the accessories they need too. They have room for a DS, charger (USB end) that can charge from a computer or a wall adapter or car adapter. As well as a cleaning cloth, 36 games, 6 styluses and 3 sets of screen protectors.

    If anyone wants me to I can snap a pic when they come to visit during fall break (my poor house ;_;)

    I buy a lot of DS stuff online. I got 150 styluses for 2.89 with free shipping ^_^… and thanks to the kids I have 37 left… I bought them in February…of THIS year…

    I still have my old GBA SPs too, and well as my original gameboy and GBAs…finding stuff for them is sort of impossible now so I grab what I can, when I can for any of them (unless I already have more than I can use, or I can’t use it at all).

    He he I still have the original box for one of the SPs and one of the GBAs as well as the box for my DS. Is that pathetic?
  16. mr.nintendo

    mr.nintendo Well-Known Member

    i recommend you buy an invisible shield for your nintendo dsi system because i have a full body one i am using it it is fully scratch prove dust prove and its very durable and relaible i say6 you get one of those for your dsi its also military grade product before they started making it they made invisible shield for military for thier fast and small helicopters to protect it from dust and scratches i have tested it with the key of my fathers car i rubbed the key with my ndsi(with invisible shield on)and no scratches it was ammazing like magic no scratches at all its only 25 bucks for a full body protection (with screen and internal body) and 15 for only external body
  17. MysticMaja

    MysticMaja Well-Known Member

    That's just crazy o_O
    Do the kids eat the styluses or something? =___=
  18. SkyHigh472

    SkyHigh472 Member

    I just got this one regular DS case that you can buy anywhere that you can buy a DS. I don't know how to describe it though. XD
  19. chaosmassacre

    chaosmassacre Member

    Tekcase sounds good. I'll check it out. Only accessory I bought was a case that looks like a small purse for ten dollars at wlamart xD
  20. Sarah Kreuz

    Sarah Kreuz Well-Known Member

    look over here: https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?topic=20180.msg271646#msg271646

    Have to update it. 6 DS games and a couple GBA Games that i bought are not included. I only get rid of a Game if it`s awful. There are Games in my collection ("Final Fantasy Legend 1+2" on the very first Gameboy for example) that I´ll never gonna sold, noooooo way. :)
    Post Merge: [time]1255261230[/time]
    That looks AWESOME. I am totally in love with your DS!