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Do any of you guys...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joshbow, May 24, 2010.

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  1. Joshbow

    Joshbow Guest

    are any of you tired of people posting pointless things on YOUR topics?
    Doesn't it annoy you?
    Well i want to make a new rule.......
    "You can't post pointless things on others topics"
    We shall let mods decide on whether what they said was ok or not
    Result in Breaking the rule shall be A Ban
    All i need now is people to agree this rule.
  2. The_gam3ster

    The_gam3ster Member

    How do you mean mate? I only just joined this site a bit ago and it seems that what people post makes sense in that particular discussion...
  3. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    You mean off-topic? There is already a rule for that.
    Pointless things? I can agree that one member I know posts pointless things on a regular basis but most people don't tend to post pointless stuff unless the thread derails.
  4. Joshbow

    Joshbow Guest

    Trust me Man, there needs to be a rule like this ,You may not have been here long but how would you like to have that done to your topics ?
    Don't you agree
    Post Merge: [time]1274729315[/time]
    Thankyou for that, An Lonnylion Told me that rule did not exist now i can explain to him that there is one thankyou.
  5. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Also, you may want to read
  6. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    If what the person posts adds something to a thread (such as humour or insight) without detracting from it or it is a worthless/dying/dead thread; then I don't see why it would be a problem even if it is off-topic. At least it would make the thread more interesting, and unless it derails a decent conversation or is genuinely abusive who cares?
    Your threads are pointless, the drama in the last one was c00l :)
  7. Joshbow

    Joshbow Guest

    Fair enough.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I don't like it when people post 4 or so topics regarding Borderlands when the only post he gets are joke posts and he doesn't get that no one wants to play.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I make the rules. If I say there isn't a particular rule, then guess what? there isn't that rule. it doesn't matter how much you think otherwise.
  10. The_gam3ster

    The_gam3ster Member

    So Josh you say you HATE people who go off topic? Well, that's normal. A thread usually starts to go off topic in 30 or so post..... threads kinda just lose that meaning. I dunno, you following me?
  11. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    If you are banned for breaking 1 rule, then that is a little harsh in my book, unless it's a spam bot or a guy is just advertising like crazy, like someone was on EP the other day. :p

    On my forum, I don't ban people for one thing.
    I ban them because they are trolling or being down-right rude.
    That said, I've only had to ban a few members.

    But, yes, at times there are things that get out of hand, but when a point is being made, then I don't see why it is off-topic. I just go about my business if necessary and help out as much as I can. But spamming is mainly done in the Spam section. :)
    I don't visit it regularly though. :p

    Admin decide the rules for the forum and sometimes moderators add rules to their sections if necessary.


    Whatever the higher-ups say goes. :)
    Just like when you speed. You will get a ticket or warning if you get pulled over by an officer.
  12. Joshbow

    Joshbow Guest

    Moderators just don't listen to people, Thats the main fact.
    You guys think you are all so clever.
    And you know what people are tired of it ?
    Loonylion, You are perfectly true.
    And you just sit there saying I'm a moderator what i say goes...........
    Maybe you should put that into your "Rules"
  13. The_gam3ster

    The_gam3ster Member

    why are you so po's about this Joshbow?
  14. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    You can always post something in the Suggestions area if you would like to suggest a change.
  15. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    By "everyone" and "people" you mean yourself. Don't be so arrogant as to believe that everyone agrees with you and has the same opinion/s. Asshole.
  16. Joshbow

    Joshbow Guest

    I'm only telling the truth
    Its only a website, People agree with me dude wether you see it or not Does it bother me ?
    I think i have made my point ?
  17. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

  18. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Loony's not a mod. He's an admin.

    A lot of topics go off topic after a certain amount of time since everything got discussed. Also it's not a bad thing if it gets derailed for the sake of continuing discussion.

    You should look more into the rules, as you make same topics (Borderlands), you post in the wrong board frequently, and you dissed the mods blatantly with no merit.

    Yeah sure, if you wanted to come across as an arrogant asshole, you've made your point. Otherwise it was mostly just nonsense.
  19. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    Not true troll.

    All this guy is, is hert over people going off-topic in his thread and now he wants to cry about it.
  20. The_gam3ster

    The_gam3ster Member

    eh. it happens :-X
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