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dldi files and use

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by alhe, Jan 9, 2009.

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  1. alhe

    alhe Member

    again the Old Man asks for help...

    Can anyone explain this to me in Noobie speak?
    Patch the ReadMore.nds binary with dlditool and the correct DLDI file for your flash cart.

    What is the dlditool...where do I get it
    What is a DLDI file....how do I find the correct one for the r4 cart?
  2. microman93

    microman93 Active Member

    Alright umm I use this dldi patcher http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/downloads/dlditool-win32-gui.zip
    As for your dldi if your using an R4 its this http://dldi.drunkencoders.com/uploads/5/5d/R4tf_v2.dldi
    Keep the dldi file on your desktop and unzip the .zip file to your desktop. After unzipping double click on the .exe file and since the dldi file is on the desktop the program should use it by default then drag the .nds file to the binaries section on the program and click "Patch" Hope this helps :)
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/downloads/DLDIrcSetup.exe is a lot easier.
  4. alhe

    alhe Member

    Many thanks...again...its easy when you know how eh!!!! :D
  5. microman93

    microman93 Active Member

    Anandjones for thae patcher you mentioned can I add more dldi options after I have installed it?
  6. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

  7. microman93

    microman93 Active Member

    Cool Beans!
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