I've been playing this game for quite sometime now, and after finishing the story modes, after getting most (since some of the more rare items are near impossible to get without a ton of luck) of the items and after exploiting a devious Level 1 build (Guaranteed to break a level 91 and above opponent after one hit, guaranteed Last Chance if HP is more than 1, would get 1 Assist guage filled after connecting with an HP attack, would get HP after connecting with an HP attack through EXP -> HP), I feel that we should get on up and share what we have on this game, be it Friend Cards, Farming tips, character builds, tips on using a character, Custom Quests, etc. I'll be updating the front page (if people would be interested) from time to time with Builds, Friend Cards and Quests. Level 1 Iai Strike build LOLBRANTH A Level 100 Gabranth that can't do anything except jump and run around. Has some decent equips for farming and whatnot.
Re: Dissida 012[Duodecim]: Final Fantasy thread My time with the game: I tried the story mode and found it hard to get myself started in. The whole, travel, then fight a generic enemy a few times and gain a level or two thing started boring me pretty quickly. That, and it throws a lot at you right away. As I hadn't played anything more than the demo for the original Dissidia ages ago, I wasn't very familiar with how to manipulate the environment. Then my PSP froze (one of two times, the other being freezy FFIV cut scenes), and I quit playing due to over an hour of progress being lost. Will probably go back eventually.
Re: Dissida 012[Duodecim]: Final Fantasy thread My time with the game: Completed 012 story line, got squall to 100, owned the 00 storyline, never did the 013 storyline due to it being the same as first game, and now haven't played it for awhile.
Re: Dissida 012[Duodecim]: Final Fantasy thread First build I'll post: Level 1 Iai Strike Build This build is taken from various sources and by experience. It's pretty cheap, but if you get hit, you WILL feel it as you'll have no equipments on and be at level 1 (adjust your level so that you'll be at Level 1). Not recommended for characters that live through EX Mode, like Cloud and Gabranth This build guarantees: -BRV Break on the first hit of a BRV attack on a level 91 and above (but it won't cause a Break if the BRV of your opponent comes out of Break during a BRV attack combo). -Last Chance (won't kill you if you have more than 1 HP left, even with a 9999 HP attack) -Sufficient charge for 1 Assist gauge after connecting with an HP attack. This build is better suited if you have EXP to HP on your character, and your character should have NO EQUIPS. Accessories needed: Spoiler -Smiting Soul (Basic Accessory: Iai Strike +1%, Defense -20%) -Safety Bit (Basic Accessory: Last Chance +6%) -Side by Side (AST Gauge Charge on HP attack, EX Force Absorption Disabled, EX Gauge Freeze) 6 x1.5 Booster Accessories, the following are recommended for this build as they all but certain to be on. -Level 1-9 -Empty EX Gauge/Near Loss (Anyone of these would do, but I prefer the first one because you won't absorb any EX Forces with this build anyway.) -Weaponless -Gloveless -Armorless -Hatless And -Level Gap >= 90 (x10) (This accessory is CRUCIAL! Without this, this build isn't as effective or viable) Cecil Friend Card with the above build (US Duodecim only)
Re: Dissida 012[Duodecim]: Final Fantasy thread EX Fighter Build This build is a personal EX build of mine for those that live through EX Mode (namely Gabranth). Note that this build effectively removes the ability to summon assists. What to expect from this build: -Full EX gauge after 5 to 7 BRV Attack chains (depending on how the EX Force is spread out). -Depending on the build, it could be an EX Mode that lasts longer or an EX Mode that hits harder. You might need the katana Heaven's Cloud for this build. It has decent stats for a level 100 Katana, but what really sets this up for this build is the "EX Intake Range +3m" bonus. There are only 11 characters that can equip this Katana normally, but you can enable other characters to equip them by buying the Knight Lore trade accessory from the Shop (for 500k Gil), then buying the Peltast's Gear ability (needs 20AP to equip). Recommended Equips: Heaven's Cloud (BRV+39 ATK+67 DEF-1) (EX Intake Range+3) Genji Set (LUK+3/Regen+20%/HP to BRV/EX Core Appearance Boost) Accessories Needed: Spoiler * = Needed for a longer EX Mode # = Needed for a stronger hitting EX Mode Basic Accessories -Attractorb (EX Intake Range+1m Assist Gauge Charge-20%) (This accessory is only needed if you don't have Heaven's Cloud) -Pearl Necklace (EX Force Absorption+10% Assist Gauge Charge-20%) -*Silver Hourglass (EX Mode Duration+5% Assist Gauge Charge-10%) Recommended Boosters ( x3.8 ) -Empty Assist Gauge (x1.5) -Pre-Assist (x1.4) -2x Attacking Bravery (x1.2) -EX Mode (x1.3) Special Accessories -Tenacious Attacker (Absorb EX Force during attacks) -*Ruby Hourglass (EX Mode Duration+10% EX Mode Damage -10%) -*Platinum Hourglass (EX Mode Duration+15% EX Force Absorption-20%) -#Aggressor (EX Mode Damage+20% EX Mode Duration-30%) -Close to You (Always Absorb EX Force, Assist Gauge Charge-30%) -Center of the World (EX Intake Range+3m EX Force & Core Absoption+25% Assist Gauge Freeze) Mix and match those accessories as you see fit. Vicious Level 100 Gabranth FC with above build