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Disney Illuminati

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kiekoes, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    Oh My God, I just watched this video on the interwebs and found out Disney is all hidden messages and stuff, but.. Disney is also full of illuminati! Signs that refer to the devil! I can't explain you just have to see the vid which shows all Disneys hidden messages and illuminati messages:

  2. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    Not just Disney, Nickoledeon as well.
    It has been all over the Media, only people who are aware about it will notice its presence.

    What interest me is the Aladins.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    disney isn't the company it was 20 years ago.
  4. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Lol, you'd have to be pretty imaginative/guillible to see some of the things put forth in that video as fact. Most of the occurrences of things deemed unsuitable for children seem to be either the result of the animators having some (inappropriate?) fun, or were perfectly innocent. The reason that most of them were edited out is likely because Disney were worried that they may be seen as something more mature than they actually were by people with over-active imaginations and cause a scandal and bad-publicity.
    I remember reading somewhere a while ago that the letters in the air in the Lion King still spells "SFX", not "SEX". "SFX" being a reference to the special effects used for that cartoon. The others could also be incorrect, I can't verify that though : / (I haven't seen most of these cartoons).

    Implying that the theme of a parent dying is meant to purposely depress children and mess them up mentally is just so incredibly stupid. The theme of loved ones leaving/dying/not being around was common in films and books and other forms of entertainment long before Disney even existed, it's used to trigger an emotional response; but it isn't supposed to mentally scar the child watching it. It's supposed to convey the love between children and their parents and how life goes on even after the passing of a loved one. The implication that the Narnia series promotes the worshipping of Satan is also daft :p

    The Masons are certainly a powerful organisation with plenty of connections, but they have never been proved to be doing anything resembling devil worship : /
    Their political influences have also been greatly exaggerated by conspiracy nutcases.

    The video forces a lot of connectionless "facts" upon the viewer and generally doesn't make much sense IMO.
    Quote from the video: "The whole scene is creepy and the spirit of paedophilia is definitely at work in this movie. Tumnus (Pan, a faun) represents the devil, trying to seduce a young girl". What a load of rubbish, it's just trying to push thoughts into your head without any solid backing to them. With very little effort, almost any given situation in a film (or book, or other form of media or real-world event) can be implied to be more sordid than it actually is (it's how we have come to have such rich modern verbal traditions as "that's what she said!" and "Hadron Collider?!, I barely know her!).
    C.S Lewis (like Tolkien and a lot of other writers of the time) put religious messages into his books (although, I think that he dabbled with atheism for a while before writing the first Narnia book), but the religious messages are usually based upon the positive teachings that can be taken from some parts of the Bible; they're not endorsements for paedophilia or Satanism; they're the opposite, in fact. I also loled at the fact that using Pan as a substitute for Satan is blamed on Walt Disney (despite the fact that he didn't write the books that the film is an adaptation of, and because had been dead for quite a while before it was filmed :) . Maybe he used witchcraft to oversee the creation of he film from his throne of children's skulls in the netherworld .
    I'm writing this whilst very tired; yet still, my grammar is better than that of the writing in that silly video.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Close, it was actually a dare between departments within the team working on the movie. One department dared the SFX department to put it in, and they did, so it was a signature rather than a reference.

    Narnia is overt christian propaganda, any suggestion that it promotes devil worship is just stupid.
  6. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Ah, I see.
    The Lord of the Rings has a lot of religious symbolism also. That video was sensationalist claptrap IMO. I got a laugh out of it though :D
  7. Leifio

    Leifio Member

    why watch disney and stuff in the first place??? its a waste of time.. just teach children something usefull like Parkour (look it up on youtube) instead of feeding them disney crap and Mcdonalds...
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    teaching parkour to 5 year olds is not a good idea. And would get you arrested in most western countries.
  9. Leifio

    Leifio Member

    oops i forgot.. dang.. just make them exercise or somthing...
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Just letting you know that parkour is not very useful. It's just flashy and makes for an entertaining YouTube montage.
  11. Leifio

    Leifio Member

    yeah but liek.. its better than having fat people with glasses magnifying at 100X no offense... and free running is the one that is flashy... parkour is the fastest method of getting from point A to point B. sorry for off topic...
  12. frebels

    frebels Well-Known Member

    So would you for having a lion.. loony
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I laughed, my favorite part is when he argues that he is a freemason.

    "people said that Walt like the look of 33, and some said that he liked the number 3. But these are false. That is why he is the 33rd freemason"
