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Digimon World Dawn/Dusk DS Lvl

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by deesss, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. deesss

    deesss Member

    Well you see on youtube people post their fights and all and the list of digimon they have i think is it just from spending lots of time training or do you get a level mega digimon from just the plot of the game?

    For example: Some people have shine greymon and other digimon that are like super cool mega level but don't you have to train like hell to get that? or is it easy?

    And another question the digimon farm what does it actually do? like all i understood was i can store digimon in there right? and that i collect data or something and can create my own digimon how does that work and what lvl would it be?
  2. doomhit

    doomhit Member

    the more deeper you get in the game the more easy it will be to get your digimon lvls up so it becomes easy to make them mega and the digi farm is like the day care in pokemon it faster to just train them by your self
  3. deesss

    deesss Member

    oh thanks and how about catching the digimon? like there is nothing i see to catch them with... all they say is befriend but u cant really talk to them or anything all u do is meet them lik in pokemon...

    oh and thanks about the info on the lvling
  4. Meramex

    Meramex Well-Known Member

    When you battle digimon remember that percentage thing that comes up. Yes that's the key. This is called scan data. Every time you meet a digimon the scan data for it goes up. When it reaches 100% go to your Digion Pc and choose digiconvert. you will be greeted with a list of digimon. You can convert the data into use able digimon but for that you need 100% scan data. all digimon you convert go to your digibank and they start of at level 1. Go to the farm PC and choose digimon list to tansfer the digimon from the digibank into your party or your digifarm.
  5. deesss

    deesss Member

    thank you thats all i wanted to know =] i appretiate you time and answers
  6. hurami

    hurami Well-Known Member