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Digimon World 3?... =P

Discussion in 'Cheats & Hints' started by xJonx, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. xJonx

    xJonx Member

    *also called D W 2003; may be the PAL version*

    Yes it might seem a tad rediculous but I love this game, ever since I was a young'n :p -- using ePSXe, worked all day trying to configure it just right and now it's working.

    Anyways... I was curious as to whether I would be able to cheat a little? There's no in-game cheats for it, but perhaps if I would be able to use a sort of a.. gameshark[?] feature, if possible? Or the program's cheats function? I'll be very thankful to whomever can help me ;D

    EDIT: I've found pec (Playstation Emulator Cheater) and am having a little trouble getting it to run properly -- I selected the cheats I want, selected the pec video driver thing and configured it to the original driver I was using, and having small graphical problems, but, I'll keep screwing around with it. Once again, any tips/info would be great :D