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Digimon vs Pokemon

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by Odotegui, Feb 18, 2010.


Pokemon vs Digimon

Poll closed Feb 28, 2010.
  1. Pokemon

    0 vote(s)
  2. Digimon

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Odotegui

    Odotegui Member

    Simply tell us who is better and is you want explain your reason simply as that now

    vote vote vote vote
  2. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    Nice way to introduce yourself. LOL

    I voted Pokemon, although I'm also a huge fan of Digimon. But when you stack it all up, Pokemon is just too good to top.
  3. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

  4. chino09

    chino09 New Member

    !? the two are even for me. i can't choose between the 2! so my vote is counted as useless.... @.@
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Please use linked thread.
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